Mr Children 只是一个有感而发罢了。谢谢关照。
前些日子在读到 ‘在物是人非的风景里,我最想念你’ 或什么的,抄下用在开头。今天我在别处又读到了 在所有人事已非的景色里,我最喜欢你.
Friday, December 28, 2007
Friday, December 14, 2007
Sunday, November 4, 2007
I am not a duck
When ppl talk (complain) to me about their job, I always think self-understanding is important as to possess genuine interest in what you are doing is critical. even when you know you are not happy, it is equally important to know it is the job that you don't like or you just don't like to work in that company due to various reasons. it helps you to decide if you want to switch company or switch industry. or change it.
I remember i had a discussion with Jaron about it. his top 3 factors defined for an ideal job included working partners. and that was quite low for me at that time. I was working independently and literally on my own. I didn't feel the influence of working partners. But these days I keep thinking back and forth to re-evaluate my situation (there are a lot more exciting stories to tell when i meet you all next time), I suddenly realize i was experiencing the effect of it.
ppl say you are what you think. if you are a goose among the duck, the influence of your peers will bit and bit change your perception of yourself. if you realized it too late, you may just think you are a duck. and it could fatally transform you into a person crying for everything you don't have without thinking how much you can do. even you have very strong self-belief, that kind of environment will just make yourself looks like an idiot who is trying to be different and seek for attention all the time.
Recently I met 2 persons.
both of them have something in common, visionary and effective. maybe inspirational in different way. Just talk to them in general after a long-time-no-see period, talking about how's life and so on. It was so satisfying and motivating. I suddenly spot a trend. They work in a good company and it is the person around them that make the difference. they work among the best people in the most conducive environment. even a short chat make you feel like emulating them. You feel like working as them, you don't want to focus on those chores, thinking of how come his bonus is more, why should i stay back and not him etc. you just want to work focus and achieve something worth remember.
they were so exciting. I truly under-estimate the working environment this time round.
I was certainly being caught off-guard. I shall frown less and focus more. even you called me an idiot, so be it.
and i am glad i have friends like you all that remind me i am not a duck.
I remember i had a discussion with Jaron about it. his top 3 factors defined for an ideal job included working partners. and that was quite low for me at that time. I was working independently and literally on my own. I didn't feel the influence of working partners. But these days I keep thinking back and forth to re-evaluate my situation (there are a lot more exciting stories to tell when i meet you all next time), I suddenly realize i was experiencing the effect of it.
ppl say you are what you think. if you are a goose among the duck, the influence of your peers will bit and bit change your perception of yourself. if you realized it too late, you may just think you are a duck. and it could fatally transform you into a person crying for everything you don't have without thinking how much you can do. even you have very strong self-belief, that kind of environment will just make yourself looks like an idiot who is trying to be different and seek for attention all the time.
Recently I met 2 persons.
both of them have something in common, visionary and effective. maybe inspirational in different way. Just talk to them in general after a long-time-no-see period, talking about how's life and so on. It was so satisfying and motivating. I suddenly spot a trend. They work in a good company and it is the person around them that make the difference. they work among the best people in the most conducive environment. even a short chat make you feel like emulating them. You feel like working as them, you don't want to focus on those chores, thinking of how come his bonus is more, why should i stay back and not him etc. you just want to work focus and achieve something worth remember.
they were so exciting. I truly under-estimate the working environment this time round.
I was certainly being caught off-guard. I shall frown less and focus more. even you called me an idiot, so be it.
and i am glad i have friends like you all that remind me i am not a duck.
Monday, October 22, 2007
just a bit, more.
I suddenly feeling i am so tiny.
it takes a little bit, just a little bit less, to have the mind of stay in a comfortable zone.
I am feeling i wasn't at my best and there are always external factors as my convenient excuse. I am slowing down and i am started to whine and complain, not for the sake of it, but it's a state of mere dissatisfaction.
for all the things that happened, regardless I've told you before or not, all of them boiled down to one thing in me.
It's simply because I refuse to bear a greater responsibility and I've not prepare myself to advance for another level. i thought this is the best i can do.
hey friends, thanks for all the time listening to me. with the coffee, or the supper, or the dinner.
I think i have finally willing to picked myself up, because maybe i can do a little bit better than now. or even much more better than now. I would like to see.
I am still tired, but hopefully i will be telling you good news the next time i see you when i see you again.
it takes a little bit, just a little bit less, to have the mind of stay in a comfortable zone.
I am feeling i wasn't at my best and there are always external factors as my convenient excuse. I am slowing down and i am started to whine and complain, not for the sake of it, but it's a state of mere dissatisfaction.
for all the things that happened, regardless I've told you before or not, all of them boiled down to one thing in me.
It's simply because I refuse to bear a greater responsibility and I've not prepare myself to advance for another level. i thought this is the best i can do.
hey friends, thanks for all the time listening to me. with the coffee, or the supper, or the dinner.
I think i have finally willing to picked myself up, because maybe i can do a little bit better than now. or even much more better than now. I would like to see.
I am still tired, but hopefully i will be telling you good news the next time i see you when i see you again.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
把记忆模糊了 回到那年冬季
不期而遇 在白色天地
无雪的世界里 我畅快的呼吸
因为有你 在等美丽
这感觉 无忧无虑 我们在一起
我的世界 没有你就不是完整的天地
无论何时 无论何地
这感觉 没有距离 我们在一起
欢乐的心 未来每一天我们会更纯清
把记忆模糊了 回到那年冬季
不期而遇 在白色天地
无雪的世界里 我畅快的呼吸
因为有你 在等美丽
这感觉 无忧无虑 我们在一起
我的世界 没有你就不是完整的天地
无论何时 无论何地
这感觉 没有距离 我们在一起
欢乐的心 未来每一天我们会更纯清
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Saturday, September 8, 2007
what a name
Its name is Pityriasis Rosea.
At first i thought how come suddenly my body got so many mosquito bites. a moment later i thought must be my matress breeding blood sucking bugs. and a moment again later my tummy, chest, waist, thigh, back, shoulder and arm(pit) were covered with tiny ring shape red spots. at middle range i look like just attacked by a troop of bees.....that decided to bite me half-hearted.
it is a skin condition characterized by pink oval patches of rash. Unknown cause, and i am glad its onset is unrelated to food because this year alone i've got 3 times of food poisoning and at least 2 times required MC. damn weak la..... cm shld ready to bring back more free charcoal pill for me. also not related to stress level as well. i just came back from a break of patriotism, cannot be stress. must be an auto-response mechanism that refused to work hard.
it is thought that this essentially non-contagious condition is set off by virus. the doctor gave me an article with information about this condition. "it disappear as myteriously as it came" was the only line i can remember.... what kind of disease man??? the best part is it has no cure or treatment. only symptom treatment available to relief the itchy. else apply some steroid, or take anti-histamine, which is the worst. yesterday night i was bloody itchy that i decided to take the 2 tablets of anti-histamine at night, i knew it causes drowsiness and i thought taking it before i sleep shld be complete fine. i was wrong.
i woke up 845am and it feels like 4am.
in case you want to know how long it last. or you are very concern (thanks for your concern here first ^_^) when it will recover, it takes a damn 6 week at minimum and could take up to 3 months if i am so fortunate.
you don't want to know how my body looks like, but you can see how's other ppl's body looks like. am not sure if i will look like that 3 weeks later, i am counting my time. it's just only a week gone.

its name is Pityriasis Rosea. It has a much romantic chinese name....err, surname.
At first i thought how come suddenly my body got so many mosquito bites. a moment later i thought must be my matress breeding blood sucking bugs. and a moment again later my tummy, chest, waist, thigh, back, shoulder and arm(pit) were covered with tiny ring shape red spots. at middle range i look like just attacked by a troop of bees.....that decided to bite me half-hearted.
it is a skin condition characterized by pink oval patches of rash. Unknown cause, and i am glad its onset is unrelated to food because this year alone i've got 3 times of food poisoning and at least 2 times required MC. damn weak la..... cm shld ready to bring back more free charcoal pill for me. also not related to stress level as well. i just came back from a break of patriotism, cannot be stress. must be an auto-response mechanism that refused to work hard.
it is thought that this essentially non-contagious condition is set off by virus. the doctor gave me an article with information about this condition. "it disappear as myteriously as it came" was the only line i can remember.... what kind of disease man??? the best part is it has no cure or treatment. only symptom treatment available to relief the itchy. else apply some steroid, or take anti-histamine, which is the worst. yesterday night i was bloody itchy that i decided to take the 2 tablets of anti-histamine at night, i knew it causes drowsiness and i thought taking it before i sleep shld be complete fine. i was wrong.
i woke up 845am and it feels like 4am.
in case you want to know how long it last. or you are very concern (thanks for your concern here first ^_^) when it will recover, it takes a damn 6 week at minimum and could take up to 3 months if i am so fortunate.
you don't want to know how my body looks like, but you can see how's other ppl's body looks like. am not sure if i will look like that 3 weeks later, i am counting my time. it's just only a week gone.

its name is Pityriasis Rosea. It has a much romantic chinese name....err, surname.
Monday, September 3, 2007
hey dude, can try this, i think it is eerily close to our own understanding if it is not entirely accurate. i would think so because it listed a lot of my occupations of favourite.
ISFP型的人谦虚而缄默,但实际上他们是具有巨大的友爱和热情之人,但是除了与他们 相知和信赖的人在一起外,他们不经常表现出自我的另一面。因为ISFP型的人不喜欢直接地自我表达,所以常常被误解。
ISFP型的人耐心、灵活,很容易与他人相处,很少支配或控制别人。他们很客观,以一种相当实事求 是的方式接受他人的行为。他们善于观察周围的人和物,却不寻求发现动机和含义。
ISFP型的人完全生活在现在,所以他们的准备或计划往往不会多于必需,他们是很好的短期计划制定者。因为他们喜欢享受目前的经历, 而不继续向下一个目标兑现,所以他们对完成工作感到很放松。
ISFP型的人对于从经历中直接了解和感受的东西很感兴趣,常常富有艺术天赋和审美感,力求为自己创造一个美丽而隐蔽的环境。没有想要成为领导者,ISFP 型的人经常是忠诚的追随者和团体成员。
因为他们利用个人的价值标准去判断生活中的每一件事,所以他们喜欢那些花费时间去认识他们和理解他们内心的忠诚之人。他们需要最基本的信任和理解,在生活中需要和睦的人 际关系,对于冲突和分歧则很敏感。
您适合的领域有:手工艺、艺术领域 医护领域 商业、服务业领域等
· 客户销售代表
· 行政人员
· 商品规划师
· 测量师
· 海洋生物学者 (marine biologist ah...not sure why i like it. do you know i dunno how to swim??)
· 厨师 (in particular, a sushi master. want to be one like in the manga~)
· 室内装潢设计师 (can try on my own house next time, but not sure if others like my taste)
· 园艺设计师
· 旅游销售经理
· 旅行社销售人员
· 职业病理专业人员
· 时装、首饰设计师
· 陶器制作者
· 乐器制作者
· 卡通漫画制作者
· 素描画家
· 舞蹈演员
· 画家 (this one on top of the list, but everyone say i will die for hunger)
· 出诊医生
· 出诊护士
· 理疗师
· 牙科医生
· 个人健康和运动教练 (hey, i teach beginner badminton ok~)
· 体育用品、个人理疗用品销售员
· 餐饮业、娱乐业业主 (did i ever tell you i want to have my own cafe?)
hey dude, can try this, i think it is eerily close to our own understanding if it is not entirely accurate. i would think so because it listed a lot of my occupations of favourite.
ISFP型的人谦虚而缄默,但实际上他们是具有巨大的友爱和热情之人,但是除了与他们 相知和信赖的人在一起外,他们不经常表现出自我的另一面。因为ISFP型的人不喜欢直接地自我表达,所以常常被误解。
ISFP型的人耐心、灵活,很容易与他人相处,很少支配或控制别人。他们很客观,以一种相当实事求 是的方式接受他人的行为。他们善于观察周围的人和物,却不寻求发现动机和含义。
ISFP型的人完全生活在现在,所以他们的准备或计划往往不会多于必需,他们是很好的短期计划制定者。因为他们喜欢享受目前的经历, 而不继续向下一个目标兑现,所以他们对完成工作感到很放松。
ISFP型的人对于从经历中直接了解和感受的东西很感兴趣,常常富有艺术天赋和审美感,力求为自己创造一个美丽而隐蔽的环境。没有想要成为领导者,ISFP 型的人经常是忠诚的追随者和团体成员。
因为他们利用个人的价值标准去判断生活中的每一件事,所以他们喜欢那些花费时间去认识他们和理解他们内心的忠诚之人。他们需要最基本的信任和理解,在生活中需要和睦的人 际关系,对于冲突和分歧则很敏感。
您适合的领域有:手工艺、艺术领域 医护领域 商业、服务业领域等
· 客户销售代表
· 行政人员
· 商品规划师
· 测量师
· 海洋生物学者 (marine biologist ah...not sure why i like it. do you know i dunno how to swim??)
· 厨师 (in particular, a sushi master. want to be one like in the manga~)
· 室内装潢设计师 (can try on my own house next time, but not sure if others like my taste)
· 园艺设计师
· 旅游销售经理
· 旅行社销售人员
· 职业病理专业人员
· 时装、首饰设计师
· 陶器制作者
· 乐器制作者
· 卡通漫画制作者
· 素描画家
· 舞蹈演员
· 画家 (this one on top of the list, but everyone say i will die for hunger)
· 出诊医生
· 出诊护士
· 理疗师
· 牙科医生
· 个人健康和运动教练 (hey, i teach beginner badminton ok~)
· 体育用品、个人理疗用品销售员
· 餐饮业、娱乐业业主 (did i ever tell you i want to have my own cafe?)
Friday, August 24, 2007
holiday ahead
It takes exactly 32 days before i got a day off. In the period of 32 days, it includes a superb singapore national day held in a superb thursday that you are "probably" going to have a superb long weekend if you took a day off on the following friday.
probably....means probably not, to me.
i was in the lab during the singapore national day, so i told myself it was because i love malaysia so hard that i didn't feel right to celebrate their national day by having a day off. i will instead make sure it will be a 4-days-off during malaysia national day. i am a born malaysian and it is in my blood.....
well, that may not be the only reason though. i feel my concentration was going down and started to make silly mistakes. at time it just need a repeat for that experiment, but by murphy's law as you know, it will cost you the most damage possibly imaginable with the lowest probability the error could cause. i shall save it until this lengthy chronic inflammation period is over. certainly not now.
taking a break is a preparation for an even tougher work ahead. i may learn the true meaning of it very soon. in a way i was way too rely on for a scope too wide to cope. from my own writing, my own experiment, coming grant application, housekeeping, baby sitting, or even involved in other's work .....voluntarily. i even need to take care of the damn printer ink?!?!? damn you guys who is a little more free can you just get the ink and filled it in?!?!?
ok, that's just the chores that make my bad temper.
i shall go sleep now.
probably....means probably not, to me.
i was in the lab during the singapore national day, so i told myself it was because i love malaysia so hard that i didn't feel right to celebrate their national day by having a day off. i will instead make sure it will be a 4-days-off during malaysia national day. i am a born malaysian and it is in my blood.....
well, that may not be the only reason though. i feel my concentration was going down and started to make silly mistakes. at time it just need a repeat for that experiment, but by murphy's law as you know, it will cost you the most damage possibly imaginable with the lowest probability the error could cause. i shall save it until this lengthy chronic inflammation period is over. certainly not now.
taking a break is a preparation for an even tougher work ahead. i may learn the true meaning of it very soon. in a way i was way too rely on for a scope too wide to cope. from my own writing, my own experiment, coming grant application, housekeeping, baby sitting, or even involved in other's work .....voluntarily. i even need to take care of the damn printer ink?!?!? damn you guys who is a little more free can you just get the ink and filled it in?!?!?
ok, that's just the chores that make my bad temper.
i shall go sleep now.
Monday, July 30, 2007
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Saturday, July 7, 2007
I suddenly do not know if this is fair to me. I have lost my faith.
Being critized so heavily for what a mistake due to inexperience, i can only say that is not what i expect from you as a person whom i know so well. and it wasn't a one off incident in so many years. it happened twice in the past 3 weeks.
To be frank, those are things that i would listen and carefully adopt if necessary, even if you tell it on my face. But you don't have to make it sounds like i have just made a mistake that you need to lost your job. because i do not think i deserved such critiques for a line i wrote in an email to a sales person, and the alignment in the first draft only for self-reference purposes.
These are things we learn by experience, who the hell know how to write a decent email before writing for many times? who the hell know how to align the figure the first time? and it is only my own draft! even that is the format you will see later, it is just a minor adjustment.
you don't have to make a big fuss.
I suddenly wonder what's your thought if one day you can't win an argument in an encounter with valid evidence. Maybe you can't out-rule or dismiss the proof that is so undisputable, i was just wondering, just wondering, what's in your mind when you know you are forced to swallow your own word.
I don't know what is in your mind. I only know what i have lost.
I have no interest to make someone regret to grow me up, but i hope if ever there is an argument, i hope i am being convinced, not forced to accept. Through out the years, I've proven I possess the ability and the gut to take critiques, that is exactly why you see i'm getting better, getting so better that you will now need a bigger heart and character to accept i've outgrown the place in certain areas.
Yet you dun need to pick up my inexperience minute mistake and tell me i'm not as competent.
My best strength is obviously not my confident, it is the ability to measure my own strength accurately.
I suddenly do not know if this is fair to me. I have lost my faith.
Being critized so heavily for what a mistake due to inexperience, i can only say that is not what i expect from you as a person whom i know so well. and it wasn't a one off incident in so many years. it happened twice in the past 3 weeks.
To be frank, those are things that i would listen and carefully adopt if necessary, even if you tell it on my face. But you don't have to make it sounds like i have just made a mistake that you need to lost your job. because i do not think i deserved such critiques for a line i wrote in an email to a sales person, and the alignment in the first draft only for self-reference purposes.
These are things we learn by experience, who the hell know how to write a decent email before writing for many times? who the hell know how to align the figure the first time? and it is only my own draft! even that is the format you will see later, it is just a minor adjustment.
you don't have to make a big fuss.
I suddenly wonder what's your thought if one day you can't win an argument in an encounter with valid evidence. Maybe you can't out-rule or dismiss the proof that is so undisputable, i was just wondering, just wondering, what's in your mind when you know you are forced to swallow your own word.
I don't know what is in your mind. I only know what i have lost.
I have no interest to make someone regret to grow me up, but i hope if ever there is an argument, i hope i am being convinced, not forced to accept. Through out the years, I've proven I possess the ability and the gut to take critiques, that is exactly why you see i'm getting better, getting so better that you will now need a bigger heart and character to accept i've outgrown the place in certain areas.
Yet you dun need to pick up my inexperience minute mistake and tell me i'm not as competent.
My best strength is obviously not my confident, it is the ability to measure my own strength accurately.
Sunday, July 1, 2007
It was such a lengthy period i have had. And, still it was left to myself to pull it through, with some mental assist from someone else. How i wish i could do better than that.
Stuck in depression was certainly a haunting experience.
When one was so weak and fragile, it is very easy to be influenced, affected or ill-advised.
Stuck in depression was certainly a haunting experience.
When one was so weak and fragile, it is very easy to be influenced, affected or ill-advised.
Thursday, June 14, 2007
上了中学,校服有名字。是个name tag。不同年纪就不同颜色,后面有扣针,用来扣在校服左边口袋上方。扣那个name tag是一件很麻烦的事,不带还会被学长抄名。就不知道谁先开始,大家以脱掉别人的name tag为乐,还要神不知鬼不觉。通常先假假讲话转移注意力,然后一招鬼影神偷单手除name tag。鬼影神偷很难练,要不重不轻把name tag压在那个人的胸,以比爱抚重一点,比胸袭轻很多的力道,一个‘上-下-横’的动作,要一连串一气呵成,‘上’用力下‘放松’,扣针就打开,name tag就随着那个‘横’的动作被除下来了。摸胸的动作要很自然,不可唐突;若‘横’的动作没练好的话,不但夺不下name tag,扣针还会开着‘挂’在那家伙的胸前。随便一动就会被扎。
后来还流行扯出校服。学校规定校服都要塞好,可是就有人会扯出你的衣服,前后左右都有可能,防不胜防。迅速的轻轻一拉,校服就跑出来了。快快塞好前面,后面来了。塞好后面,前面又来袭击。就这样,可以玩上好几个月,天天上学在一级警报状态。然后还喜欢踢后脚,跟在后面随着前人脚步,就在前面的人后脚抬起的杀那,向内踢。如果后脚是左脚就会踢到他自己的右脚, 不然则反之。就没有人要走前面,到后来会变成一列平行,没人要走前面也没人抢到后面。
Dirian lompat jauh 是体育节考试用的,就是双脚齐列,稍微张开,在没有助跑的情况下纯粹以脚力向前跳,看可以跳多远。那时二米是个Bench Mark, 大家跳上瘾,在课室内每换节就有比赛。还会用粉笔画下,量有多远,有记录有排名,超级无敌有规划管理。我还记得清清楚楚那个纪录保持人是谁,当年以二点六二米傲视群雄。排徊在二点三以下,我很快就放弃Dirian lompat jauh了。原地跳厌了,跳楼梯。一样的Dirian lompat jauh, 这次还要向上跳。三到四个梯级是什么人都可以的,到了五个就有点需要脚力,六级就要加多一点点腰力。而Bench Mark,在七个梯级。除了脚力和腰力要够强,最重要的是勇气。七级其实就及胸了,如果跳失败,你的膝盖连下面那条腿骨就会狠狠地撞在石灰梯级上,搞不好会骨折,让人大笑三个月。没有多少个能跳七个,敢跳的更少。不好意思,我是其中一个。
我们也有斯文的。那时吃饱没事做,就把名字连在住处一起,到处帮人家取名。那时有白兰Thong(白兰园),太平心(Jalan Chung Thye Pin),乒乓Kei(乒乓花园), 大街Loong(怡保大街), 卫星蚊(卫星市), 巴占祥(巴占),昆仑B(昆仑喇叭)等等,等等。当然,你要会广东话。。。
上了中学,校服有名字。是个name tag。不同年纪就不同颜色,后面有扣针,用来扣在校服左边口袋上方。扣那个name tag是一件很麻烦的事,不带还会被学长抄名。就不知道谁先开始,大家以脱掉别人的name tag为乐,还要神不知鬼不觉。通常先假假讲话转移注意力,然后一招鬼影神偷单手除name tag。鬼影神偷很难练,要不重不轻把name tag压在那个人的胸,以比爱抚重一点,比胸袭轻很多的力道,一个‘上-下-横’的动作,要一连串一气呵成,‘上’用力下‘放松’,扣针就打开,name tag就随着那个‘横’的动作被除下来了。摸胸的动作要很自然,不可唐突;若‘横’的动作没练好的话,不但夺不下name tag,扣针还会开着‘挂’在那家伙的胸前。随便一动就会被扎。
后来还流行扯出校服。学校规定校服都要塞好,可是就有人会扯出你的衣服,前后左右都有可能,防不胜防。迅速的轻轻一拉,校服就跑出来了。快快塞好前面,后面来了。塞好后面,前面又来袭击。就这样,可以玩上好几个月,天天上学在一级警报状态。然后还喜欢踢后脚,跟在后面随着前人脚步,就在前面的人后脚抬起的杀那,向内踢。如果后脚是左脚就会踢到他自己的右脚, 不然则反之。就没有人要走前面,到后来会变成一列平行,没人要走前面也没人抢到后面。
Dirian lompat jauh 是体育节考试用的,就是双脚齐列,稍微张开,在没有助跑的情况下纯粹以脚力向前跳,看可以跳多远。那时二米是个Bench Mark, 大家跳上瘾,在课室内每换节就有比赛。还会用粉笔画下,量有多远,有记录有排名,超级无敌有规划管理。我还记得清清楚楚那个纪录保持人是谁,当年以二点六二米傲视群雄。排徊在二点三以下,我很快就放弃Dirian lompat jauh了。原地跳厌了,跳楼梯。一样的Dirian lompat jauh, 这次还要向上跳。三到四个梯级是什么人都可以的,到了五个就有点需要脚力,六级就要加多一点点腰力。而Bench Mark,在七个梯级。除了脚力和腰力要够强,最重要的是勇气。七级其实就及胸了,如果跳失败,你的膝盖连下面那条腿骨就会狠狠地撞在石灰梯级上,搞不好会骨折,让人大笑三个月。没有多少个能跳七个,敢跳的更少。不好意思,我是其中一个。
我们也有斯文的。那时吃饱没事做,就把名字连在住处一起,到处帮人家取名。那时有白兰Thong(白兰园),太平心(Jalan Chung Thye Pin),乒乓Kei(乒乓花园), 大街Loong(怡保大街), 卫星蚊(卫星市), 巴占祥(巴占),昆仑B(昆仑喇叭)等等,等等。当然,你要会广东话。。。
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
再说一次(<-- 可以按),我因喜欢分享生活经验而习惯了阅读别人的部落格。
在这里(<-- 可以按),是我自己的寻人启事。十九个月前写的,有点天真。因为沉溺在J的事情里。原来,时间还过得真快。却想起一首歌叫’对的人‘。
爱要耐心等待 仔细寻找 感觉很重要
宁可空白了手 等候一次 真心的拥抱
在这里 (<-- 可以按)也许你有一些共鸣,或曾经有过。你可以毫不介意毫不犹豫毫不留情地对号入座,因为那都不是罪过。
再说一次(<-- 可以按),我因喜欢分享生活经验而习惯了阅读别人的部落格。
在这里(<-- 可以按),是我自己的寻人启事。十九个月前写的,有点天真。因为沉溺在J的事情里。原来,时间还过得真快。却想起一首歌叫’对的人‘。
爱要耐心等待 仔细寻找 感觉很重要
宁可空白了手 等候一次 真心的拥抱
在这里 (<-- 可以按)也许你有一些共鸣,或曾经有过。你可以毫不介意毫不犹豫毫不留情地对号入座,因为那都不是罪过。
Sunday, June 10, 2007
It is at Jurong East
Yah i just moved house. before i start let's see what's Jamie Yeo said.

"Moving is stressful. So VERY stressful..... packing and unpacking, getting rid of the old furniture... have all but rendered me thoroughly exhausted. But the worst is over. And I'm now settling nicely into the new place.....Sentiments have no place when one is relocating. It takes a hardened heart to throw away old trinkets, keepsakes, moldy love letters, old high school grade slips, etc....I think memories make us who we are. They form the very essence of our lives and guide us towards our future chapters..... That's what life is all about, isn't it? Living... learning....loving.... experiencing... laughing...crying....and remembering"
Read the original article here.
Jamie Yeo is an Arsenal fan who host Nokia FootballCrazy in ESPN Star Sports. yeah, a sweetie pie who supports Arsenal.
In many ways, her thought smells familiar to me, maybe I buy her idea that's why. But certainly not because she is sweet, I swear, unless she is a Man Utd fan. =)
I thought i was quite tough when relocating. I throw things away ruthlessly, that's why I have little stuff to move around even this is the 5th year i am in Singapore. Over the past 5 years I didn't seem to accumulate things. Because I clear up my things, i mean, CLEAR UP.
But when comes to memories, I am the one that can never forget minute details when it registered in my mind. Read across the old entries you'll realized I'm an animal that feed on memory in order to live. But it was a brutal version of Jamie Yeo's quote.
I am glad I have enough memories to move on. The Block 299 old house is a place where I spent my time worth remembering. Not sure if i will sentimental enough to keep that place in mind for years to come, but the house I am staying now will probably be another part of my story.
One things i learn from past experience was, memories are meant to be the strength and reason to move on, instead of a mental barrier to overcome before we open our heart to new memory.
We don't need to forget, "life is about remembering", remember?

"Moving is stressful. So VERY stressful..... packing and unpacking, getting rid of the old furniture... have all but rendered me thoroughly exhausted. But the worst is over. And I'm now settling nicely into the new place.....Sentiments have no place when one is relocating. It takes a hardened heart to throw away old trinkets, keepsakes, moldy love letters, old high school grade slips, etc....I think memories make us who we are. They form the very essence of our lives and guide us towards our future chapters..... That's what life is all about, isn't it? Living... learning....loving.... experiencing... laughing...crying....and remembering"
Read the original article here.
Jamie Yeo is an Arsenal fan who host Nokia FootballCrazy in ESPN Star Sports. yeah, a sweetie pie who supports Arsenal.
In many ways, her thought smells familiar to me, maybe I buy her idea that's why. But certainly not because she is sweet, I swear, unless she is a Man Utd fan. =)
I thought i was quite tough when relocating. I throw things away ruthlessly, that's why I have little stuff to move around even this is the 5th year i am in Singapore. Over the past 5 years I didn't seem to accumulate things. Because I clear up my things, i mean, CLEAR UP.
But when comes to memories, I am the one that can never forget minute details when it registered in my mind. Read across the old entries you'll realized I'm an animal that feed on memory in order to live. But it was a brutal version of Jamie Yeo's quote.
I am glad I have enough memories to move on. The Block 299 old house is a place where I spent my time worth remembering. Not sure if i will sentimental enough to keep that place in mind for years to come, but the house I am staying now will probably be another part of my story.
One things i learn from past experience was, memories are meant to be the strength and reason to move on, instead of a mental barrier to overcome before we open our heart to new memory.
We don't need to forget, "life is about remembering", remember?
Thursday, June 7, 2007
I am tired, exhausted and burnt.
Blank mind. Not happy.
Not sad either. just, "--less", means nothing or empty.
No time to enjoy the new place. no mood. no energy too. means nothing or empty.
Nil and without anything.
I moved into new house; I was stuck in the midst of unfinished tasks; I was threaten by foreign workers; I was give in to argue something I was right; I was tied up by all the chores; I was accumulating dissatisfaction in lab.
I feel empty. I feel nothing. Don't even remember I have gone through everything that happened.
Literally, I have no mental preparation and mood for anything and everything. An auto-mode from 0830 to 0030.
Give me a break.
Blank mind. Not happy.
Not sad either. just, "--less", means nothing or empty.
No time to enjoy the new place. no mood. no energy too. means nothing or empty.
Nil and without anything.
I moved into new house; I was stuck in the midst of unfinished tasks; I was threaten by foreign workers; I was give in to argue something I was right; I was tied up by all the chores; I was accumulating dissatisfaction in lab.
I feel empty. I feel nothing. Don't even remember I have gone through everything that happened.
Literally, I have no mental preparation and mood for anything and everything. An auto-mode from 0830 to 0030.
Give me a break.
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Chronic Inflammation
If you don't know what is chronic inflammation, in Chinese layman term it's called 慢性发炎.
Chronic = 慢性
Inflammation = 发炎
Inflammation is a general symptom that our body response to injury, irritation or infection. The inflammation is a body auto-response that is supposed to help you recover from injury, irritation or infection. Besides the above chronic inflammation, there is another kind called acute inflammation, 急性发炎.
Acute = 急性
you heard 急性盲肠炎 before right? Acute Appendicitis. Literally it is an acute (急性) inflammation (炎) of the appendices (盲肠). 盲肠急性发炎. Since is is so 急, that's why the patient cannot wait, must operation fast to take out the inflamed appendices. if it is chronic appendicitis, as we know it is that 慢, that's why you heard some people said they last for few weeks/months before they have operation.
盲肠发炎 is inflammation of appendices; if inflammation happened in another part of body, eg 关节(发)炎 is arthritis (inflammation of joint), 肝(发)炎 is Hepatitis (inflammation of liver) etc etc.
So today we learn 6 new words. Acute(急性), chronic(慢性), inflammation(炎), appendicitis(盲肠炎), arthritis(关节炎)and Hepatitis(肝炎).
Actually I am not here to talk about what I'd just said.
I just wanted to tell you I'd just argued fiercely with my boss that where is the direction of my on-going publication write up should head to. yah, i am writing a scientific paper, and forever writing it. never get done.
why i can't see the end? because all researcher are greedy and patience enough to accumulate enough data before publish it, in order to make a greater impact. just like you have a blockbuster movie in the progress, but you don't leak it out the moment you shoot the first scene. you wait for it to complete and launch it in style and fashion with a well made trailer, so that ppl will want to watch your real movie.
But sometimes there is a line to draw. you don't want to shoot the movie 2046 until the year 2046. you have to close it even if you think it is imperfect. you learn it and you make a better movie next time. unless you are simply enjoy the making process and no pressure to deliver.
i have pressure to deliver, and i know yc has too. maybe she is more ambitious and patience. and i guess she is aiming a better first publication from me.
Sigh, i can never imagine i could talked like that to yc. I am getting frustrated by the "keep-including-new-data" cycle. My mind has never rested and settled regardless how many days of break I have had in the CNY.
I have been pushing myself to finish the lab work so that i can sit down and write the paper for my post-graduate enrollment program. and now I've missed 2 intake since the day i decided to do master/PhD. simply because i cannot get the paper out in time.
So what is this going to do with the inflammation?
How I wish it is just acute inflammation. I am just here to tell you I am developing this stupid chronic inflammation mentally. If you don't know, usually acute inflammation doesn't kill, and easy to treat. Panadol will cure it most of the time.
But chronic inflammation kills.
And if you still cannot imagine, Tuberculosis is one of them.
Don't know what is Tuberculosis? then you learn the 7th word today.
TB or 肺结核.
Still catch no ball? cancer, heart attack, stroke.
Opps, you learn 10 words today.
Chronic = 慢性
Inflammation = 发炎
Inflammation is a general symptom that our body response to injury, irritation or infection. The inflammation is a body auto-response that is supposed to help you recover from injury, irritation or infection. Besides the above chronic inflammation, there is another kind called acute inflammation, 急性发炎.
Acute = 急性
you heard 急性盲肠炎 before right? Acute Appendicitis. Literally it is an acute (急性) inflammation (炎) of the appendices (盲肠). 盲肠急性发炎. Since is is so 急, that's why the patient cannot wait, must operation fast to take out the inflamed appendices. if it is chronic appendicitis, as we know it is that 慢, that's why you heard some people said they last for few weeks/months before they have operation.
盲肠发炎 is inflammation of appendices; if inflammation happened in another part of body, eg 关节(发)炎 is arthritis (inflammation of joint), 肝(发)炎 is Hepatitis (inflammation of liver) etc etc.
So today we learn 6 new words. Acute(急性), chronic(慢性), inflammation(炎), appendicitis(盲肠炎), arthritis(关节炎)and Hepatitis(肝炎).
Actually I am not here to talk about what I'd just said.
I just wanted to tell you I'd just argued fiercely with my boss that where is the direction of my on-going publication write up should head to. yah, i am writing a scientific paper, and forever writing it. never get done.
why i can't see the end? because all researcher are greedy and patience enough to accumulate enough data before publish it, in order to make a greater impact. just like you have a blockbuster movie in the progress, but you don't leak it out the moment you shoot the first scene. you wait for it to complete and launch it in style and fashion with a well made trailer, so that ppl will want to watch your real movie.
But sometimes there is a line to draw. you don't want to shoot the movie 2046 until the year 2046. you have to close it even if you think it is imperfect. you learn it and you make a better movie next time. unless you are simply enjoy the making process and no pressure to deliver.
i have pressure to deliver, and i know yc has too. maybe she is more ambitious and patience. and i guess she is aiming a better first publication from me.
Sigh, i can never imagine i could talked like that to yc. I am getting frustrated by the "keep-including-new-data" cycle. My mind has never rested and settled regardless how many days of break I have had in the CNY.
I have been pushing myself to finish the lab work so that i can sit down and write the paper for my post-graduate enrollment program. and now I've missed 2 intake since the day i decided to do master/PhD. simply because i cannot get the paper out in time.
So what is this going to do with the inflammation?
How I wish it is just acute inflammation. I am just here to tell you I am developing this stupid chronic inflammation mentally. If you don't know, usually acute inflammation doesn't kill, and easy to treat. Panadol will cure it most of the time.
But chronic inflammation kills.
And if you still cannot imagine, Tuberculosis is one of them.
Don't know what is Tuberculosis? then you learn the 7th word today.
TB or 肺结核.
Still catch no ball? cancer, heart attack, stroke.
Opps, you learn 10 words today.
Friday, May 18, 2007
现在这道理怎么看都不对,就是少年不知愁滋味强说愁。不停地前行,不停地前行。一次又一次地浅尝着深切的生活,蜻蜓点水般过日子,到底什么才是真正的生活啊? 前行终究不是生活的目的嘛。如果前进是人生在世的唯一目的,那会象王家卫电影里那只没有脚的鸟,永远只能自由地飞翔,不停地飞。有一天它着陆了,因为它死掉了。
现在这道理怎么看都不对,就是少年不知愁滋味强说愁。不停地前行,不停地前行。一次又一次地浅尝着深切的生活,蜻蜓点水般过日子,到底什么才是真正的生活啊? 前行终究不是生活的目的嘛。如果前进是人生在世的唯一目的,那会象王家卫电影里那只没有脚的鸟,永远只能自由地飞翔,不停地飞。有一天它着陆了,因为它死掉了。
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Money in the balance
This is the day when I felt the impact of money.
I am someone who always thinks that money is just money and what is enough is enough. You live at your own means as long as financially allowed, because you spent at the manner of how much you earn. If you can’t finish off 1 million dollars, 1 billions dollars is meaningless. It’s just a number.
I’ve grown up without experienced the prowess of money. I have never seen the money in front of my eyes created any magical moment as long as I can remember. Maybe there is not much money to begin with. In fact, the greatest moment in my memory was the day I suddenly notice the amount of dishes on the dinning table was directly proportional to the financial status at home.
Then I learned the importance of money. But importance is not exactly prowess.
I was in a rare mood of calculating my financial token. And I found myself was heavily associated with liabilities. And this is the time I hate myself having “financial freedom” as the only word surface in my mind which abused by way too many MLM and insurance companies. I thought I was over-fuelled with pride to distant myself with them.
The direct influence would be from ej and jiun who are getting married very soon. The more they shared with me the more I see my financial fragility. It would be just nice as how I live now, but a greater financial commitment would certainly threaten.
Certain expected and unexpected incidents (that needs money) really annoyed me. The frustration is accumulating until I have a moment of detestation. I hate my brother doesn’t study hard enough to ease the financial pressure; I hate my father who has no plan for everything, I hate my mum for earning too little, and I hate myself for not done enough to earn. Sometimes I feel like a crying baby who is too helpless to do anything except whining and complaining. I even hate myself not being a son of Bill Gates.
But as soon as I thought of vs and her family, I laughed at myself for being too weak; even I have self-claimed a person with provider instinct.
Anyhow, I’ve seen my parents struggle with money, and out-wrested most of the time by the reality. With three children waiting for meals everyday surely doesn’t help at all. I always wonder how my parents “dare” to have three kids with such financial condition. I told my mum you are so brave. What I didn’t tell her was it was a poor decision.
I thought education is the best way to escape from poverty. So I make sure I graduate and find a decent job. Then I am constantly in search of a balance between money and satisfaction in the job. Yet sometimes you just have to swallow the fact that it is not about how much you can learn but it is how much you can earn. With growing financial commitment in all area, be it obligated or not, it is starting to haunt me. There is growing in fear that I can’t cope with it, especially in the near future. Every time I work my ass off and see I am the only one working hard to lead the progress and deliver the most in the lab, I feel like an idiot. Idiot that think of this is for the good of me so don’t bother.
But this is the time I need more motivation practically, not spiritually. For someone like me who has no 13 months bonus, no performance bonus, not covered by steady salary increment scheme, the only thing left is 28 days annual leave that I will never able to use up.
I work with pride and practice with professionalism, I know I deserved better treatment. Or at least, I am not working without knowing my price. You pay peanut for monkey, not the qualities I possess.
I hope I have sent my delicate message that mixed with personal request and expectation clearly.
Sigh, it’s just one of the many chores that are bothering.
I am someone who always thinks that money is just money and what is enough is enough. You live at your own means as long as financially allowed, because you spent at the manner of how much you earn. If you can’t finish off 1 million dollars, 1 billions dollars is meaningless. It’s just a number.
I’ve grown up without experienced the prowess of money. I have never seen the money in front of my eyes created any magical moment as long as I can remember. Maybe there is not much money to begin with. In fact, the greatest moment in my memory was the day I suddenly notice the amount of dishes on the dinning table was directly proportional to the financial status at home.
Then I learned the importance of money. But importance is not exactly prowess.
I was in a rare mood of calculating my financial token. And I found myself was heavily associated with liabilities. And this is the time I hate myself having “financial freedom” as the only word surface in my mind which abused by way too many MLM and insurance companies. I thought I was over-fuelled with pride to distant myself with them.
The direct influence would be from ej and jiun who are getting married very soon. The more they shared with me the more I see my financial fragility. It would be just nice as how I live now, but a greater financial commitment would certainly threaten.
Certain expected and unexpected incidents (that needs money) really annoyed me. The frustration is accumulating until I have a moment of detestation. I hate my brother doesn’t study hard enough to ease the financial pressure; I hate my father who has no plan for everything, I hate my mum for earning too little, and I hate myself for not done enough to earn. Sometimes I feel like a crying baby who is too helpless to do anything except whining and complaining. I even hate myself not being a son of Bill Gates.
But as soon as I thought of vs and her family, I laughed at myself for being too weak; even I have self-claimed a person with provider instinct.
Anyhow, I’ve seen my parents struggle with money, and out-wrested most of the time by the reality. With three children waiting for meals everyday surely doesn’t help at all. I always wonder how my parents “dare” to have three kids with such financial condition. I told my mum you are so brave. What I didn’t tell her was it was a poor decision.
I thought education is the best way to escape from poverty. So I make sure I graduate and find a decent job. Then I am constantly in search of a balance between money and satisfaction in the job. Yet sometimes you just have to swallow the fact that it is not about how much you can learn but it is how much you can earn. With growing financial commitment in all area, be it obligated or not, it is starting to haunt me. There is growing in fear that I can’t cope with it, especially in the near future. Every time I work my ass off and see I am the only one working hard to lead the progress and deliver the most in the lab, I feel like an idiot. Idiot that think of this is for the good of me so don’t bother.
But this is the time I need more motivation practically, not spiritually. For someone like me who has no 13 months bonus, no performance bonus, not covered by steady salary increment scheme, the only thing left is 28 days annual leave that I will never able to use up.
I work with pride and practice with professionalism, I know I deserved better treatment. Or at least, I am not working without knowing my price. You pay peanut for monkey, not the qualities I possess.
I hope I have sent my delicate message that mixed with personal request and expectation clearly.
Sigh, it’s just one of the many chores that are bothering.
Friday, April 13, 2007
Thursday, March 29, 2007


后来我买了一本书,鲁豫 心相约。真是好看。原来我很喜欢听别人的故事。成长的,旅游的,生活的,惊险的,都可以。难怪养成读别人布落格的习惯。难怪我都爱看真实的故事,难怪都不断地和人分享经历。

Monday, March 12, 2007

Thursday, February 8, 2007
慢慢到了KFC。 她说想吃KFC的popcorn,点菜时犹豫了一下,最后没叫。我知道她蛮想吃,又怕吃不完,因为其实只想尝尝一两块。我就说我叫,公司吃。坐下吃了没多久,她问我多久没有回马六甲。既然提到,我就一大篇故事讲。她也静静地听,偶而插上一两句,或讲些什么有的没的。我没有很刻意隐瞒些什么,都是很自然地,象讲给家人听一样。
昨天刚完了presentation,一直沉溺在被误会是博士生的心情里,整个晚上得意忘形。很想炫耀,又怕人家讲傲慢和目中无人。于是一回到家,进去cm的房间坐下讲话。cm大概是kayu之外,能够听懂我工作有关一半以上,又能有共鸣的。所以能够忍受我骄傲自满吧。一开了话头就停不了。连怎样present都可以讲得很好笑。然后商量以后搬家要怎样之类。然后又给我看她以前A Level 的成绩单。那种看了很气的那种, 就是连S Paper 也A那种。她说其实是要给我看上面竟然会有她的华文名。我说好厉害,我的PMR华文也有A, 全校还不到十个。不过其实是要让你知道我的学校华文是必考科。。。
慢慢到了KFC。 她说想吃KFC的popcorn,点菜时犹豫了一下,最后没叫。我知道她蛮想吃,又怕吃不完,因为其实只想尝尝一两块。我就说我叫,公司吃。坐下吃了没多久,她问我多久没有回马六甲。既然提到,我就一大篇故事讲。她也静静地听,偶而插上一两句,或讲些什么有的没的。我没有很刻意隐瞒些什么,都是很自然地,象讲给家人听一样。
昨天刚完了presentation,一直沉溺在被误会是博士生的心情里,整个晚上得意忘形。很想炫耀,又怕人家讲傲慢和目中无人。于是一回到家,进去cm的房间坐下讲话。cm大概是kayu之外,能够听懂我工作有关一半以上,又能有共鸣的。所以能够忍受我骄傲自满吧。一开了话头就停不了。连怎样present都可以讲得很好笑。然后商量以后搬家要怎样之类。然后又给我看她以前A Level 的成绩单。那种看了很气的那种, 就是连S Paper 也A那种。她说其实是要给我看上面竟然会有她的华文名。我说好厉害,我的PMR华文也有A, 全校还不到十个。不过其实是要让你知道我的学校华文是必考科。。。
Friday, January 19, 2007
I swear I love you.
I came across the article from a blogger called Michael Beckman, circulated by haen vee. and this is the 2nd time i read it after the article released back in november last year.
click here and here to read the original articles.
Actually this is nothing much more than losing my tantrum. frankly, i seldom share my political view publicly if you are not willing to listen in the first place.
I have no intention to hard sell how superior is this neighbouring island compare to the mainland besides. everytime the taxi driver complaint about how our(their) leader making comment on each other at any issue that can be quarrel, i feel like a kid listening to the aunty next door say how my mum bully her. and just because i stay with the aunty next door, i was accused of not loving my mum anymore, and being treated more like a visitor than a brother by my siblings every time i go home. and always been seen as just a matter of time before i call another women "mum".
i run away from home because i am looking for a better life, not because of i dislike my mum. if ever there is any valid accusation, it is i love myself more than my mum. and everytime the brothers at home complain about how difficult is their life, there is no solution offered to themselves and to the nation as well, besides feeding their hard earn money into the pocket of the traffic police, and sent the astronaut to make teh tarik in the space. i am sorry i couldn't find a solution for the nation, i can only solve for myself, so i leave for a better place in relative. then i wonder if the choice to stay is decided, why my brothers still want to complain, while on the other hand looking at their brothers stay away from home as "betrayer", if this is too heavy for a word to used. i am not even sure if my brother understand there is a word closer to the fact called "refugee".
Generalize going abroad as do-not-love-your-mum is simply disorientated. it distracted the attention from the reasons of the departure of the kid, to a threatening question: love mum or leave mum. it seems like regardless what's the reason, you do not love your mum anymore as long as you leave, you have to stay in order to show your love. the reason behind have not been addressed properly, or unable to address in the first place. in truth, it is not an issue our brother would like to entertain because it certainly not sth they can change even they try their best. 200 overseas m'sian professionals invited to come back to serve their nation, and none of them stay. by saying the currency or money speaks is just getting the issue too easy and under estimate your own elite away from home. it is the condusive environment and correct culture that matters if you still do not understand now.
Everytime i look at the number of malaysian contribute to the island instead of their own soil, i wonder how much we can achieve if we diverted all this effort into msia. before i figure out the exact progress in equivalent, i figure out how much energy we lost in the process to reach our target. i admit i am severely lack of confidence in our own country, but i just don't want to say "boleh" everytime even when i am self-psycho-ing. i am just feeling frustrated as chinese proverb say 恨铁不成钢.....maybe "激心" is the better word...if you know how to speak cantonese.
i have never like singapore because i never feel like at home. but this is the best option within my reach. so i decided to trade "creativity and freedom" with "justice and integrity" at the expense of "home". there is no right for myself to complain about how ppl's kitchen should looks like because the decision made have accounted for every shortcoming in the package. however, everytime i went home and all i heard is bad news. just too much, i have no energy even listen to them. say i am trying to avoid the problem, say i am putting self-comfort in priority. i wish i am deaf to all the news i heard. i wish i could hear sth motivating and encouraging everytime i go home, not some NGO find out how the government have sign an unfair agreement regarding toll fees, not some minister was found guilty for building expensive house without submitting the plan, not a pathetic RM200 for the banjir victim. A genuine good news is certainly not when you see bad guys kena punished, even it maybe, maybe a beginning for a real good news.
i am concern. i am just helpless.
i do not want to speak for every single msian because most likely there are really ppl who has not feel anything about msia even it disappear one day. but i guess there is always a bunch of msian, not only in singapore, who care about how's the atmosphere and weather in msia from time to time. why care? so that we know if it has become a better place to stay. so when it is time to come back, we would like to stay in our home. opportunistic? if you buy this school of thought i have nothing to say. I just don't want our next generation grown up in a place where i have to teach them how to differentiate a real police instead of going for them when you got rob.
tell me i am naive, but i swear i love you, malaysia.
click here and here to read the original articles.
Actually this is nothing much more than losing my tantrum. frankly, i seldom share my political view publicly if you are not willing to listen in the first place.
I have no intention to hard sell how superior is this neighbouring island compare to the mainland besides. everytime the taxi driver complaint about how our(their) leader making comment on each other at any issue that can be quarrel, i feel like a kid listening to the aunty next door say how my mum bully her. and just because i stay with the aunty next door, i was accused of not loving my mum anymore, and being treated more like a visitor than a brother by my siblings every time i go home. and always been seen as just a matter of time before i call another women "mum".
i run away from home because i am looking for a better life, not because of i dislike my mum. if ever there is any valid accusation, it is i love myself more than my mum. and everytime the brothers at home complain about how difficult is their life, there is no solution offered to themselves and to the nation as well, besides feeding their hard earn money into the pocket of the traffic police, and sent the astronaut to make teh tarik in the space. i am sorry i couldn't find a solution for the nation, i can only solve for myself, so i leave for a better place in relative. then i wonder if the choice to stay is decided, why my brothers still want to complain, while on the other hand looking at their brothers stay away from home as "betrayer", if this is too heavy for a word to used. i am not even sure if my brother understand there is a word closer to the fact called "refugee".
Generalize going abroad as do-not-love-your-mum is simply disorientated. it distracted the attention from the reasons of the departure of the kid, to a threatening question: love mum or leave mum. it seems like regardless what's the reason, you do not love your mum anymore as long as you leave, you have to stay in order to show your love. the reason behind have not been addressed properly, or unable to address in the first place. in truth, it is not an issue our brother would like to entertain because it certainly not sth they can change even they try their best. 200 overseas m'sian professionals invited to come back to serve their nation, and none of them stay. by saying the currency or money speaks is just getting the issue too easy and under estimate your own elite away from home. it is the condusive environment and correct culture that matters if you still do not understand now.
Everytime i look at the number of malaysian contribute to the island instead of their own soil, i wonder how much we can achieve if we diverted all this effort into msia. before i figure out the exact progress in equivalent, i figure out how much energy we lost in the process to reach our target. i admit i am severely lack of confidence in our own country, but i just don't want to say "boleh" everytime even when i am self-psycho-ing. i am just feeling frustrated as chinese proverb say 恨铁不成钢.....maybe "激心" is the better word...if you know how to speak cantonese.
i have never like singapore because i never feel like at home. but this is the best option within my reach. so i decided to trade "creativity and freedom" with "justice and integrity" at the expense of "home". there is no right for myself to complain about how ppl's kitchen should looks like because the decision made have accounted for every shortcoming in the package. however, everytime i went home and all i heard is bad news. just too much, i have no energy even listen to them. say i am trying to avoid the problem, say i am putting self-comfort in priority. i wish i am deaf to all the news i heard. i wish i could hear sth motivating and encouraging everytime i go home, not some NGO find out how the government have sign an unfair agreement regarding toll fees, not some minister was found guilty for building expensive house without submitting the plan, not a pathetic RM200 for the banjir victim. A genuine good news is certainly not when you see bad guys kena punished, even it maybe, maybe a beginning for a real good news.
i am concern. i am just helpless.
i do not want to speak for every single msian because most likely there are really ppl who has not feel anything about msia even it disappear one day. but i guess there is always a bunch of msian, not only in singapore, who care about how's the atmosphere and weather in msia from time to time. why care? so that we know if it has become a better place to stay. so when it is time to come back, we would like to stay in our home. opportunistic? if you buy this school of thought i have nothing to say. I just don't want our next generation grown up in a place where i have to teach them how to differentiate a real police instead of going for them when you got rob.
tell me i am naive, but i swear i love you, malaysia.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
To you
I know you are not reading this because i didn't tell you i have a blog.
I do not know the reason why you broke up with him because you didn't tell me either.
A relationship of 5 years isn't by chance or coincidence, it must be such a hard fact to take on.
For once I suddenly wanted to call you just to know you are fine even though I have never done so before.
Regardless what's the reason, i hope you do appreciate and grateful for the time you spent together with him, as i still want to say again, 5 years is no by chance. it is part of the life and will be part of the life you have live on.
be happy.
wish you good.
I do not know the reason why you broke up with him because you didn't tell me either.
A relationship of 5 years isn't by chance or coincidence, it must be such a hard fact to take on.
For once I suddenly wanted to call you just to know you are fine even though I have never done so before.
Regardless what's the reason, i hope you do appreciate and grateful for the time you spent together with him, as i still want to say again, 5 years is no by chance. it is part of the life and will be part of the life you have live on.
be happy.
wish you good.
Tuesday, January 9, 2007
到了某个时候,单身就是没结婚了。跟有没有爱情是不相干的,想是当时爱情和婚姻可以划上等号的年代,单身恐怕也是同一个年头诞生。连填英文表格都只有 Single或married而没有in a relationship. 只有friendster有。看,这个世代看事情和前辈有点分别吧。
到了某个时候,单身就是没结婚了。跟有没有爱情是不相干的,想是当时爱情和婚姻可以划上等号的年代,单身恐怕也是同一个年头诞生。连填英文表格都只有 Single或married而没有in a relationship. 只有friendster有。看,这个世代看事情和前辈有点分别吧。
Monday, January 8, 2007
比如我在B-8-3看见一张折半朱红色卡片写着张学友的真情流露歌词 "我缺点胜别人 你却费尽心神 把我留起"。
试验可以重来,人生不可以。无论有着怎样的过去,尽管唏嘘与惆怅,人生终究无法再来一次。错过或者把握,都只是人生的一部份,是个选择的后果。如果你无法 选择过怎样的人生,你可以选择怎样过即有的人生。虽然我不后悔是因为不想去后悔,而有太多事情就算几千个两个星期,也是付不起的。
比如我在B-8-3看见一张折半朱红色卡片写着张学友的真情流露歌词 "我缺点胜别人 你却费尽心神 把我留起"。
试验可以重来,人生不可以。无论有着怎样的过去,尽管唏嘘与惆怅,人生终究无法再来一次。错过或者把握,都只是人生的一部份,是个选择的后果。如果你无法 选择过怎样的人生,你可以选择怎样过即有的人生。虽然我不后悔是因为不想去后悔,而有太多事情就算几千个两个星期,也是付不起的。
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