Friday, October 29, 2010

Strengthsfinder 2.0

Many people truly believe in nasihat like "you can achieve anything if you try hard (enough)" as we grown up. Movies of underdog outperform favorite always the bestseller.

Instinctively, I just can't figure out why am I feel odd for this. I put in some thought before and also posted on my facebook status. I also wrote something like
THIS, tHiS and thIS in my old entries. Over time, my thought was swinging back and forth.

Last month I read a book called Strengthsfinder 2.0...I instantly knew that was an answer I am looking for when I read it. There is no old maxim of trying hard enough and you can be anything. Instead, it says:

You cannot be anything you want to be -- but you can be a lot more of who you already are.

It contains extra respect and recognize no one will achieve the same magnitude with the same method using the same way of measurement. If one is to say this is a successful life as a whole, it must be the way you approach your life with utter respect and dignity, live fully to the potential of life with resources and chances available, which is different to everyone.

I know there is a lot of motivation camp for sales, marketing or financial planner. But one thing I really don't like is (at least that's an impression / bias I have), they always employ one method and apply to all different individual. Trying hard and keep trying with more determination is a recipe for success. I agree they are valuable strength, however, not supposed to be misplaced.

If you are a bird, then flip your wing hard and fly high; If you are a horse, then gallop and run fast; If you are a fish, then swim fast and swim deep.

If flying is not your natural talent or strength, ie, not a bird, you don't have to feel inferior just because you can't fly. Even with the athleticism of Michael Jordan, he can't replicate his achievement in baseball, why?

The most important thing is to know who you (already) are, what you can do well and what you can't.

Then develop according to your own strengths, and be determined.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Facebook mania

There is a lot about Facebook these days. Including 2 recent movies on Facebook.

Yesterday, I saw a 400-500 pages hardcover book on Facebook at Kinokuniya, placed besides books like The Toyota Way and Googled: The End of the World As We Know It

I drown on three Facebook games before, one of it was the recent EA SPORTS FIFA Superstars....and painfully quit all of them. I am glad I didn't jump on the bandwagon when I came across Mafia War. This is one Facebook game that raised its rank and make it to the TIME magazine.

Most of these games were dumb but for some strange reason you just get addicted to it. Besides punctually log in to maintain your strength / lives / refill / training / workout etc so that you will be upgraded, there is nothing much to do. Occasionally you got one bonus like a super duper privileged item that none of your friend has, and make you proud for 2 days.

Then you found they got it for free on the 3rd day.

How far a Facebook game can bring us to? I am not too sure, but this is really funny.

Monday, October 18, 2010



(又是)很想吃腐竹白果薏米,就跑到liang seah street的阿秋甜品去。那算是很不错的糖水铺了。因为在公司附近,偶尔会去吃。







Saturday, October 9, 2010



我吃怡保河粉快三十年,还没见过那种怡保鸡丝河粉。招牌上的河粉,我一个都不认识。好好的怡保河粉,从1955年搞到现在,一撇席。当然,餐牌上写明了IPOH HO FUN the Singapore way,还加上了自制的酱。


联合晚报 Review  写 “...入口即化的怡保河粉,满足味蕾的一大享受。” 写的人没吃过怡保的怡保河粉,随随便便就觉得那是传说中的入口即化,真是开玩笑。荣记河粉(我不会再叫怡保)比新加坡其他地方的河粉幼,有怡保河粉的样子,可是没有怡保河粉的滑嫩。当然这是各有所爱,可能也比较适合这里的口味,但请不要再沾怡保鸡丝河粉的光。



Sunday, October 3, 2010


