Friday, December 30, 2005

紫包鸡日记 9-1



生日要讲愿望。现在不讲过新年也要讲的,循例。什么愿望? 我要过一个完整的生命。。噢,好象很深酱。。。

完整不是完美,完整的东西可以不完美的。英文叫complete. 马来文叫lengkap. Complete / Lengkap 就象你考试写卷纸,每一题都写上答案。不过可能还是没有满分。






先 讲第一道。讲人,家人。H-O-M-E,这个英文较好听。"家"在汉字里是一只猪在屋檐下,一点也不窝心。妈的,跟猪什么关系。我的屋企有条狗,天天站在 家门口。就算有也是狗,没有猪。是的,家里就我娘,天天想念她,每次骂人就再想念多一次。还有两个弟弟。还有门口那条狗。。。。噢,刚才吟诗提过了 的。。。

每次想回家,多回几次就开始忘记到底是回家还是到怡保玩。几时想回家? 你玩耍好好的是不会想回家的,过得风光是不会想回家的。然后在外头有了另一个家,自己的家,才会天天回的。那么娘家几时回,不是看假期,是看心情。







Sunday, December 25, 2005




















Friday, December 23, 2005

Christmas Eve's eve

So today is friday and tomorrow is christmas eve.

So sweet of the lab mates, and my dear students. Got a funny slimy-toy from ck, a box from Mary, a set of 2 towels from YC and a piece of chocolate cake from Jo as christmas presents. Went back to hall and got a box of chocolate from kayu. Really feeling warm, even to a person like me who don't really celebrate christmas.

Calling ej and jiun for dinner and they were all went to hougang. so i then eat myself. Suddenly got a very pathetic emotional outburst. I have condusive environment, great lab mates and a considerate boss at work; i have great friends and buddies from hall, school or whatever, have fun, playing basketball, badminton and gathering; I have lovely mother and brothers that will call me at special day.

Yet i am just feeling lonely for every meal i eat. Lunch or dinner. for lunch there are seldom the timing of we can have meal together. one in and the other out. for dinenr, i flip through the phone book, normally call the hall ppl because it's just at convenience, cm, tw, jy, ej, jiun. of course there are ppl other than those in the hall, but when looking at those other names on the phone book, I just choose to eat myself. and the worse case is always when i reach home, my landlord's mother always get ready with a table full of meals with soup vege meat and ....sth just impossible for one like me to have it here by myself alone.

and that was what happened just now.

I can always eat alone. But a family meal is always sth good to have. only and only if i can choose not to eat alone.


I need a family.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Cough cough cough

damn damn damn
cough cough cough cough cough
die die die
cough die me!!!

Monday, December 19, 2005



每個人 都想明白
誰是自己生命 不該錯過的真愛
特別在午夜醒來 更是 會感慨

就算受傷 就算流淚

愛 在回憶裡總是那麼明白
困惑的心 流過的淚

如果你 當時明白
後來的生命裡 是快樂還是悲哀
特別在夜深人靜時 想起未來



Thursday, December 15, 2005

紫包鸡日记 8



我和你 男和女
谁愿意 有勇气 不顾一切付出真心
<---- 这样东西其实很难。如果你是懂得什么叫爱的(现代)人,你一定明白。

你说的 不只你 还包括我自己 <---- 这是爱情萌芽的开始。可惜,天算不如人算,天下没有哪本可兰经圣经可以告诉你, 其实他(她)也想说 ;。。。。你说的 不只你 还包括我自己。。。
该不该再继续 该不该有回应 让爱一步一步靠近 <---- 徘徊在这个十字路口是会有微妙的心情的,统统可以写成一本书,或是象这一首歌。可是,徘徊太久就是不思长进,不然就是搞暧昧

有那么一点点动心 一点点迟疑
<---- 这一点点迟疑动心的火花,要不烧掉大片大片平原,要不马上熄灭,没有会 "一点点动心 一点点迟疑" 几十年地。。。
不敢相信我的情不自尽 <---- 这是最最最贴切的形容。记住了,爱情让人情不自尽得难以置信。

<---- 不管什么结果,悲伤是没有的。大不了那颗心赤赤的被拉了一下,然后想清楚要不要踏步前行。还没开始的感情,最多是让人甜蜜得刻骨铭心,绝不会教人痛得毕生难忘。那只是不甘心带来的副作用罢了。
有那么一点点动心 一点点迟疑
<---- 那是让人难以想象地脆弱,难以想象地坚强的力量。不信? 爱让人怕死 也让人不怕死。生是连理枝,死是鸳鸯鬼,所以不怕。怕的是一样叫着 "阴阳两隔" 的东西。

难以抗拒 噢!
虽然不想不看也不听 却陷入爱里
<---- 看,认命吧。骗不了自己的心的。

Sunday, December 4, 2005

who is he?

Just suddenly think of someone. So I decided to talk about him.

I wanted to ask my mum when she had fall in love with my dad. what did they do when they went out for date. Were they enjoy the sweetest time in their life? Were their sweetest memory come in pairs with each other? how did he confess before he gets you? you got your first flower in life from him?

Suddenly i found myself so strong at times, and so fragile at times too. I certainly remember the days when we were at the breaching edge. however, those days do not haunt me anymore. I told cm one day, it took me very long before I can even mention him comfortably, to entertain, or accomodate the ignorance of a friend(s). Back the years then there were few people who can understand. however, now it seems i was just plain naive. they do not understand at all. they are my good friends, who were just willing to spare a pairs of ears. and trying hard to share my collapsing emotion. yet they still act like nothing happen to me and trying real hard to give me another part of life that is at least flooded with happiness and laughters. you know who you are when i say "my good friends". I know i am damn rich.

what makes one matured? life experience. I used to wish it never happen to me. well, now I do not hold the same wish or anything close. It is my life, a path that i walk by myself that belongs to myself only, which is shaping who am i today. I accept it as part of me and live with it. though in a the case of 'never happen' were always sth good to have, is just too good to believe.

I almost forget how to call someone "dad" because i do not practice it for long. it started trigger the curiousity of the inner mine, asking question like is he someone very fierce? or he is someone do not talk much? Now then I realise I do not understand him. What kind of person he is? I definitely old enough to remember who is he, I wasnt a kid anymore back then. but when i screen through the memory database, all the files were either corrupted, or i have not met the minimum system requirement to access the files.

I have no idea of the diagnosis results in such a way that I am forgeting him. It definitely not. I can remember the days when he brought me to his school to play basketball when i complaint the courts nearby are always occupied by elder teenagers. I can also remember he will brought me whole set of children magazine like "3M newspaper", "Good student", so and so every monday. I also remember he brought me to join the school trip to Gua Tempurung. and he fetched me every tuesday and thursday after my school team tabletennis training. and I remember he said "take it as a hobby" when I cried like a pussy because I was drop out from the team last minute in a competition. I remember he was the one against my will to go for a proper art lesson under some artist nearby.

But i have no idea of who is he? I dunno what he thinks.

yes, I don't know my father.

Who is he?

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Your blog worth...??

Hey folks, try this and see how much is your blog, hahhahah., is worth $2,000,165.22, is worth $655,995.48, is worth $193,072.68, is worth $22,017.06, is worth $13,548.96

and...surprisingly, Mr Brown's blog worth zero cent...So me and Mr Brown is sama grade haha...

Dunno how it works. but wanna try? try it by click on the link "How much is your blog worth?"


I came back from work. Considered quite early to reach home at 8pm.

carrying the dabao-ed food. yes. again, it was from MacDee. I am just plain lazy, i dun want to spent soo much money to eat rubbish if I have the choice (if I have the mood).

I step into the house and i smell the rice.

and the "well cook" dishes. (i am not sure if it is well because never taste it, but I think it may be tasty)

I put down my stuff in the room, went to bathroom to washed my foot and walked pass the kitchen.

I look at the "complete dinner set" - rice, vegetables, a fish, meats, prawns and a soup.

I went back into my room.

I look at my MacDee dinner - a bread (pair of two), the meat in between (one), the vegetables in between (3 leaves), the fries (from one slightly more than fist size potato), and a drink.

Literally it was - 2 slices of bread, a piece of meat, 3 vegetables leaves, a potato and a 500ml soft drink.


Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Ultimate Spam Revenge

Got this mail today. I couldn't resist but to laugh at myself....this is soooo funny.

Hi folks,

I want to thank all of you who have taken the time and trouble to send me your damn chain letters over the past few years.

Yes, thank you, thank you, thank you from the bottom of what's left of my heart for making me feel safe, secure, blessed, and wealthy. Because of your concern...

I no longer can drink Coca Cola because it can remove toilet stains.

I no longer eat KFC because their chickens are actually horrible mutant freaks with no eyes or feathers.

I no longer drink anything out of a can because I will get sick from the rat faeces and urine.

I no longer date the opposite sex because they will take my kidneys and leave me taking a nap in a bathtub full of ice.

I no longer use Saran wrap in the microwave because it causes cancer.

I no longer check the coin return on pay phones because I could be pricked with a needle infected with AIDS.

I no longer use cancer-causing deodorants even though I smell like a water buffalo on a hot day.

I no longer use margarine because it's one molecule away from being plastic.

I no longer go to shopping malls because someone will drug me with a perfume sample and rob me.

I no longer receive packages from UPS or FedEx since they are actually Al Qaeda in disguise.

I no longer answer the phone because someone will ask me to dial a stupid number for which I will get the phone bill from hell with calls to Jamaica, Uganda, Singapore, and Uzbekistan.

I no longer buy expensive cookies from Neiman Marcus since I now have their recipe.

I no longer worry about my soul because I have 363,214 angels looking out for me and St. Theresa's novena has granted my every wish. Thanks to you, I have learned that God only answers my prayers if I forward an email to seven of my friends and make a wish within five minutes. (Geez, the BIBLE did not mention it works that way!)

I no longer have any savings because I gave it to a sick girl who is about to die in the hospital (for the 1,387,258th time).

I no longer have any money at all, but that will change once I receive the $15,000 that Microsoft and AOL are sending me for participating in their special e-mail program.

Yes, I want to thank all of you soooooooo much for looking out for me! I will now return the favor.

If you don't send this e-mail to at least 1200 people in the next 60 seconds, a large bird with diarrhoea will crap on your head at 5:00pm this afternoon and the fleas of a thousand camels will infest your
armpits. I know this will occur because it actually happened to a friend of friend of a friend of a friend of a friend of a friend of a friend of my next door neighbour's ex-mother-in-law's 8th husband's 2nd cousin's 3rd husband's ex-wife's mother's beautician!


Read it in someone's blog, real great entry. sharp and precise. have fun.












Friday, November 18, 2005

紫包鸡日记 6



年约三十,身材中等,稍胖,有肚腩,很黑,印度人, 胡子大把,通常穿上破烂背心和短裤。



年龄八十,身材矮小,披头散发,患老人痴呆症,自言自语,若遇见此人请速通知阿鸟,手机号码 173 173 174,酬劳优厚。









Monday, November 14, 2005

紫包鸡日记 5















Friday, November 4, 2005

Went for a trip to Penang, Ipoh and Melacca. plain makan trip.

trying very hard to relax but heavy travelling make me even harder to get rested. I am someone couldnt get rest in a long journey. but my tummy got the best treatment for the past 3 years.

Went to Gurney Drive, they call this place 湾仔角 in chinese, and I just knew this place called "Gurney Drive" one week ago. thank God fs knew this even later than I do. haha. thought I am damn outdated or like living in the cave. so eat like no body business there until I can't even walk properly. suddenly understand the feeling of a woman in pregnancy.

wasn't realise kayu can be so garang in shopping one. I thought she was not like normal singaporean girl, ahem, sorry this is so stereotype, and...err, nationalist?:P anyway, she is quite garang shopping together with hy la, whom the person "reduce her risk of going to Malaysia toilet" significantly....what kind of nonsense, ahha.

anyway suddenly realise I am nearly lost my touch in Ipoh already. I missed that place so much. but guess I will die for boredom in Ipoh with that kind of living pace, like real old folks peeing kind, which totally different from singapore kind bomba save fire.

Met with sl again in Lau Pasat. I am glad she seems good. things has passed and belongs to memories of ourselves, that is going to be remembered for the rest of life.

We are not going to live that kind of life ever again.

all the best, sl.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Wish list

There is a wish, sincerely.

May all the disaster went off.

May the H5N1 flu get vaccinated.

May all of us getting progressive.

May the happiness last longer.

May the holiday come faster...

...may the money turns bigger, may the salary gets higher, may my paper published in Nature and Nicole Kidman and Emma Watson fall in love with me forever!!!!!

argh....may the dream never end and ever ever...

Friday, October 14, 2005

Triumph of empathy

I am very happy today. because i just finished my first English book, in my life. i completed it!

someone came across somedays ago and i found this book: The curious Incident Of The Dog in The Night-time by Mark Haddon. Talking about an autistic 15 year old kid that is gifted with a super duper logical brain. He can name all the country of the world and their capitals and every single prime number up to 7057...aiyeh, this is not about a review of the book...anyway it was International best seller and White Award Winner k....

The New Yorker said: This original and affecting novel is a Triumph of empathy.

so i went to read it and i finished it.

I always tell people around the amount of english books and english essays/articles i read for the past 3 years is taking up more than 90% of total english books/essays/articles i had read so far. I am really glad to have a condusive environment for me to improve. And now i am comfortable speaking english with anyone else.

maybe i shall start to watch movie or TV series without subtitle. shld hv get some good quality DvD verion TV series from state........

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Snow. Wolf. Lake.













Tuesday, September 13, 2005


it was almost half month already. i wasn't having good days since then. and not in the mood writting in chinese.

i am not even sure if i should write it down. there are just simply too much things in my mind, and i am not even sure how much ppl can understand.

i just need someone to talk abt it. initially i was thinking to wait for vs to tell her abt this when she come to sg this week. just couldnt resist. need someone to talk desperately sigh...plain weak, useless me. poor cm have to listen to all the shit. though never talked as much cos in the train, but definitely feeling much much better.

thanks cm.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005











Tuesday, August 16, 2005




有次在幼稚班 偷偷玩滑梯,以为老师不知道,谁知前天晚上下雨,滑梯湿湿的,屁股就在刷的那一下把滑梯擦得干干净净,蓝色小吊裤变得超黑。人小笨不完,走路靠墙弯,以为 可以安然无恙过一天,小息排队一时大意,忘了靠墙,结果被押臀示众。屁股对着小朋友当反面教材,一边哭一边怕: 这回准被告状家长,死梗。


那 时候最了不起的是买了一辆红色BMX脚车,后轮附加二小轮(加强版) 。象藤原的豆腐86一样,改装后威力无穷,身轻车快。后来看身边的东西总是慢半拍,觉得了不起,就提出要载人。以前妈妈说坐后面,载你去巴杀,把脚打开。 我说脚打开象初哥,放在‘木区’‘车由’的螺丝上算了。那是不要被车轮绞到,我知,弟弟不知,只懂得乖乖把脚放在小小的螺丝上。


长 大了,听阿牛的歌<<哭>>,"...眼泪,别白白地流~",所以只为心爱的女人而流。上个世纪在一个女人面前哭另一个女人,都 不知道为的是什么。有点白流的感觉。所以现在只在看电影时,戏院黑黑的,假假哭一下,自己爽,又没人看见。听说女人喜欢硬男,tough guy never cry,不敢哭。



Saturday, July 30, 2005


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接着就象往常一样,六点FS晚餐,然后羽球。总是让人兴致勃勃的星期六,流了汗,爽爽的,心里就满满的了。我觉得我可以很简单,也大概只能很简单,哈哈。明天一早回实验室来个快手脚的功夫,然后开始电影马拉松。先是早场 "七剑",小息三十分钟,然后午场The Island,下午五点和Tiong Bahru篮球有个约会。我的礼拜就这样过去了。


Sunday, May 8, 2005

kukup again .....just came back.

pretty looking forward to this one with just another group of people. We were all like "going back" to malaysia...haha, ease in using mandarin and cantonese, speak english only to cm occasionally, haha, shld hv make cm speak more cantonese and mandarin too, shldnt accomodate her that much next time, haha. jiun dun seems like the seafood that much, only take some fish and vege...i bet she scared of the cholesterol. haha. how aunty, good bless ej.

anyway, kukup is just another plain mahjong marathon, esp to those beginner. surprise cm was catching it fast...hmm, mayb she knew roughly how to play before. the rest were just addicted, simply addicted. advnced to level 4000 in a night, amazing...and continue on second morning...really a casino warm up...we called this a new disease in singapore "casinoma"...

oh ya, before the next morning mahjong, there was a nightmare...

the house behind our chalet got some incident where a singaporean died the week before we went. so by the time we reached kukup it was the 7th days of the incident. heh, we all know it wasnt a normal day for the 7th...

at night as norm we played mahjong and sing karaok, with all the heart and strength, no body bother care how lousy you are, haha, the next door wasnt any better though :P so then after everyone getting tired, we went to bed at about just before 3am...if my memory didnt fail me. so within 15 minutes i went to bed, it started raining, very heavily....i feel the chill because it really different with the storm night i had experienced before. now then i know how the storm at the sea/seaside is, different grade. thunder-gust....

the windows were not closed, the mahjong left outside, the door was left opened too. it was a disaster. our chalet macam going to float...hmm, tts exaggerated la, anyway, it was getting very wet everywhere. i knew it, just lazy, so continued lying on the bed. hey so now the main electricity plug went off after the first thunder-storm and lightning. entire house went black. wake up and check, turn on the plug again, wipe off all the water, moved in the mahjong table etc....electricity went off again followed by another thunder.

now everyone were awake. just get all the stuff done la...and go back to sleep....felt ultimate terrifying. was abuot to sleep...and now i heard the bloody sliding window keep knocking each other, like someone was knocking outside the windows. what to do? continue sleeping la, maybe heavy rain the "good brother" behind no place to hide just wanna borrow a shield tts y knocking the windows. too bad, hiding in the comforter in an air con room during a heavy rain at night is just simply too comfortable....

* ehh...this is not scary movie...

happy playing with all of them, all very cincai also, diff with last time went with those...ppl, haha. must come again next time, too bad ej, jy and tw din cum, sigh.

Sunday, April 24, 2005


watching a great china series 射雕英雄传. stand solid on the top list of all versions of this legendary novel of 金庸.

I like the actor/actress chosen for the characters that fit in pretty well. 郭靖(李亚鹏) almost preserved all his famous quality of "dumb". Really dumb, until you can't stand it, ahah. and persevere, hard work, straight, candid, and always dealt on the square. the best idol and example with succesive achievement of an "extra-ordinary" person by practising and exhibiting all these qualities.

and for 黄蓉, initially i wasn't quite accepted her whose acted by 周迅 yet after episode and episode, i found she actually has far more than what 朱茵 can shows. yup, i still think 黄蓉 should looks like 朱茵, unfortunately she doesnt up to 黄蓉's inner qualities, which are so prominent and significant. hmm, ya, no one ever said 黄蓉 is pretty but she is definitely sharp and smart. to be more accurate, she is simple yet tricky. hmm, maybe 朱茵 look + 周迅's act is the perfect combi. haha.

穆念慈(蒋勤勤)of this version definitely much better than the TVB's. China's TV must has truly understand what million's of fans around the world are imagine when they read the novel. she simply act as what I am expecting (oh yea, only me and only me, haha), which the TVB version had completely ruined this strong character. damn HK TVB.

and most other characters in the shows are well designed and exhibit at least one level up than TVB when comes to finer detail of one's character. 包惜弱, 梅超风, 洪七公, 黄药师...they are definitely well studied before put it up on show. Especially 洪七公, i like him sooo much, haha.

Just spent some time at night watching at such good series is definitely relaxing after work. Want to watch it again to see properly how those talented china actor/actress perform and present the characters that live in the heart of the fans over the world. Until today, and finally, there is one series that lifted successfully to the expectation of the crowd.

We must be glad, to visualize the dream in our heart after spend yearss and countless nights in the younger age reading 射雕英雄传.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

The existance of science (the existance of philosophy) came from a lot of proven evidence (they have to), that makes the fact a fact; the existance of a religion (the existance of GOD) came from no evidence ever says that it is wrong, that makes the belief a belief.

Their origin is different, in a way, the faith of human to a religion is pretty "scientifically logical", well, a good scienctist never say it is wrong unless he/she can prove it.

Anyway, i am just one of the many atheist out there. because i study science and trained in science, i believe in sth call evidence and fact. though i can't prove a religion wrong either, I don't believe in GOD while I do accept its existance in the heart of many ppl.

for the sake of social harmony, this shldn't be the topic because there are forever parallel and you will never find them meet each other. the believer uses the heart.
but the disbeliever uses the brain.

as a biomedical student, the brain and the heart is equally important physiologically, at least to me.

Saturday, March 12, 2005


oh dear, i MUST write this down....

it was a friday morning...yesterday la..need to go in lab earlier, but don't want to wake up earlier, so i pay more to take the mrt train instead of the bus...:P

when i was on the escalator i saw a girl...from bottom-back, she was lean on the handle on the station. i could see a little bit of her face from a narrow angle.

Surprise!!!! Pretty and looks like 鐘欣桐!!! Twins's!!!

i was so tempted to look at her face to make sure again if tt's just a pretty girl or Ah-Gill....probably not ah-gill la of course i think, ahhahaha....was being pervert and observe from her back. she was taking a dark blue soft cover folder and holding a one-side school bag, light brown with orange stripe on edge. wearing faded-blue jeans and white colour shirt with crossing-line pattern ...those like you'll see in most hong kong's secondary school uniform during winter...having some make up also la....but pretty fine and nice, wun be like a monkey ass....:P oh yes, until now the best angle of me was from 90 degree from the side, damn...

then we were taking the same train, damn pervert again me feel like following her so we went in through the same door. because 90 degree is not good enough!!:P i seriously cant make sure if she really ah Gill or not...though i think she was just look-alike la...thank god we were going to the same direction...from bukit gombak to pasir ris direction...through out the journey i hope she'll trying to move her body or what(most importantly move her face).....oh my god, she was like a craft standing there without even took up her hand to hold the handle!!


i seriously think a lot of ppl in the train is attarcted. i saw a lot of ppl, of course most of them are guys, were looking at her too. she seems like knowing she can attracts the attention....pardon me, and fogive me, until i left the train, i didnt even see her face properly. maybe this makes her looks prettier which the imagination part counts the most.

such a imaginative morning journey to work. what a nice day.

i must be dreaming.

Sunday, February 27, 2005


Damn i always complain. i have been so busy....yep, everyday also busy. every time also say busy.....

trying hard to cope with the work after CNY anyway, totally awakened after chap goh me. Reminded me the new year is over and i shall move on. about the project again. let me conclude it in short: i have to be more persevere.

There is nothing much special recently, just in and out and one week is over again. my week pass so fast, should it be a good sign of enjoying the life.

tell you if you do not know it. my name is mosquito. my buddy called me mosquito, used to. and one of my good fren was hospitalized 3 days ago, she got low platelet count. a syndrome of dengue fever.

went to visit her with sc and she looks pretty fine, probably the bloody flavivirus still yet to strike. it has been delayed for 4 days before she got forced to see the doctors, what the hell. i told her one day she'll **** in her room and when ppl realised it was already weeks and weeks. simply lack of the sense of urgency, shall the factor of paranoid please now expressed with a mild level in her.

luckily got the gang who like to squeeze in her room that know what/how she is doing, they really know how to make her see doctor. anyway it's a good chance to know how's the pathogenesis of dengue. it's not as easy to get dengue anyway.....because one bite is not sufficient to cause this fever. you'll need 2 bites from aedes to get the fever. so all of the patients are those that hit the jack pot for twice. god bless. how lucky can it be.

ok, actually you may get 2 bites or more in a night if there is mosquitos in your small room. sorry.

called her up today because suspected this is the day of lowest platelet count, but apparently the counts went up but still below normal. i was surprise when the doctor gives her 8 tablets of panadol per day with inconsistent intervals. sigh, hope she will gets well soon.

mosquito ah....phobia man.

i am in paranoid mode now.

Thursday, January 6, 2005

OD Archive 2004

Was managing my D drive and folders....and found the left over from the previous online diary...

The day before Singapore national day.

Finally, i left the place i stayed for the past 3 years, . It was my home where the only place in singapore i can go anytime without any reason.

It was.

I have friends there that i'll count them on and help them at any cost if necessary, some of my hometown friends complaint at me because i seldom go back to ipoh.....i do admit part of the reason is busy but that's not the only one. somehow i acquired syndrom like 'double home sick' where i'll missed the other site wherever i'm. i have equally important friends in both places.

I missed the days when alamak was my roomate; i missed the days when our room was the most popular room of the year; I missed the days of old hall 2nd floor ppl squeezed in my room chatting overnight; I missed the days of virtual cop II, daytona, nfs, with kh and alamak; I missed the day when kayu and i first produced the prototype of master scale for rag together; i missed the days sally became my private welfare IC during Zenithe.

I missed the day I got my DigiMon comforter and mattress for my 21 year old bday; I missed the days i was having hard time together with kayu and yl; i missed the day when the ppl in furniture shop thought kayu n i were married; I missed the days when wb came to my room to distract me from study because he want to play badminton; I missed the days when cm was the landscape executive but i regret 2 of us didn't take a single photo together with our master piece; I missed the days ah foong asked me down for handball and dinner esp when evelyn was not free to hv dinner with him;

I missed the day when cm broke my nick secret; I missed the days i went to sw's room to see his superb FIFA skills and teased him for his lousy move in LOTR pc game; I missed the days of neon genesis evangelion, ninjai, 12 kokuki, gundam seed, hikaru no go, naruto, one piece and TVB series; I missed the days of Matrix mania with wb and mark; I missed the days i was having badminton with eujack, sh and cm, and the pool session straight after that; I missed the days when i was having intense pharmacology and medical microbiology revision with sc in MSN; I missed the days of cm open the gate for me....

I lived the days i missed, with my friends.

Just want to say i spent most of my time with friends in this place for 3 years, i met good friends.

I suddenly remember what wb said before he left: it's not the place that we missed but we'll never live this kind of life again.

Now I understand.