Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Chronic Inflammation

If you don't know what is chronic inflammation, in Chinese layman term it's called 慢性发炎.

Chronic = 慢性
Inflammation = 发炎

Inflammation is a general symptom that our body response to injury, irritation or infection. The inflammation is a body auto-response that is supposed to help you recover from injury, irritation or infection. Besides the above chronic inflammation, there is another kind called acute inflammation, 急性发炎.

Acute = 急性

you heard 急性盲肠炎 before right? Acute Appendicitis. Literally it is an acute (急性) inflammation (炎) of the appendices (盲肠). 盲肠急性发炎. Since is is so 急, that's why the patient cannot wait, must operation fast to take out the inflamed appendices. if it is chronic appendicitis, as we know it is that 慢, that's why you heard some people said they last for few weeks/months before they have operation.

盲肠发炎 is inflammation of appendices; if inflammation happened in another part of body, eg 关节(发)炎 is arthritis (inflammation of joint), 肝(发)炎 is Hepatitis (inflammation of liver) etc etc.

So today we learn 6 new words. Acute(急性), chronic(慢性), inflammation(炎), appendicitis(盲肠炎), arthritis(关节炎)and Hepatitis(肝炎).

Actually I am not here to talk about what I'd just said.

I just wanted to tell you I'd just argued fiercely with my boss that where is the direction of my on-going publication write up should head to. yah, i am writing a scientific paper, and forever writing it. never get done.

why i can't see the end? because all researcher are greedy and patience enough to accumulate enough data before publish it, in order to make a greater impact. just like you have a blockbuster movie in the progress, but you don't leak it out the moment you shoot the first scene. you wait for it to complete and launch it in style and fashion with a well made trailer, so that ppl will want to watch your real movie.

But sometimes there is a line to draw. you don't want to shoot the movie 2046 until the year 2046. you have to close it even if you think it is imperfect. you learn it and you make a better movie next time. unless you are simply enjoy the making process and no pressure to deliver.

i have pressure to deliver, and i know yc has too. maybe she is more ambitious and patience. and i guess she is aiming a better first publication from me.

Sigh, i can never imagine i could talked like that to yc. I am getting frustrated by the "keep-including-new-data" cycle. My mind has never rested and settled regardless how many days of break I have had in the CNY.

I have been pushing myself to finish the lab work so that i can sit down and write the paper for my post-graduate enrollment program. and now I've missed 2 intake since the day i decided to do master/PhD. simply because i cannot get the paper out in time.

So what is this going to do with the inflammation?

How I wish it is just acute inflammation. I am just here to tell you I am developing this stupid chronic inflammation mentally. If you don't know, usually acute inflammation doesn't kill, and easy to treat. Panadol will cure it most of the time.

But chronic inflammation kills.

And if you still cannot imagine, Tuberculosis is one of them.

Don't know what is Tuberculosis? then you learn the 7th word today.

TB or 肺结核.

Still catch no ball? cancer, heart attack, stroke.

Opps, you learn 10 words today.

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