At first i thought how come suddenly my body got so many mosquito bites. a moment later i thought must be my matress breeding blood sucking bugs. and a moment again later my tummy, chest, waist, thigh, back, shoulder and arm(pit) were covered with tiny ring shape red spots. at middle range i look like just attacked by a troop of bees.....that decided to bite me half-hearted.
it is a skin condition characterized by pink oval patches of rash. Unknown cause, and i am glad its onset is unrelated to food because this year alone i've got 3 times of food poisoning and at least 2 times required MC. damn weak la..... cm shld ready to bring back more free charcoal pill for me. also not related to stress level as well. i just came back from a break of patriotism, cannot be stress. must be an auto-response mechanism that refused to work hard.
it is thought that this essentially non-contagious condition is set off by virus. the doctor gave me an article with information about this condition. "it disappear as myteriously as it came" was the only line i can remember.... what kind of disease man??? the best part is it has no cure or treatment. only symptom treatment available to relief the itchy. else apply some steroid, or take anti-histamine, which is the worst. yesterday night i was bloody itchy that i decided to take the 2 tablets of anti-histamine at night, i knew it causes drowsiness and i thought taking it before i sleep shld be complete fine. i was wrong.
i woke up 845am and it feels like 4am.
in case you want to know how long it last. or you are very concern (thanks for your concern here first ^_^) when it will recover, it takes a damn 6 week at minimum and could take up to 3 months if i am so fortunate.
you don't want to know how my body looks like, but you can see how's other ppl's body looks like. am not sure if i will look like that 3 weeks later, i am counting my time. it's just only a week gone.

its name is Pityriasis Rosea. It has a much romantic chinese name....err, surname.
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