Sunday, December 24, 2006
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
The moment I look at (think of) the outstanding tasks yet to be done, I feel such a massive weight behind my head, all the time. when i wake up, when i go for lunch, when i sit on the toilet bowl. The only time i have not think of it may be when i was under general anaesthesia in the surgery.
And there is not much i can do now because things are not ready. not because I am not ready. this is exactly like a soccer player so eager going back to the pitch but the fractured forth metatarsal is not recovered yet. i say, waiting is the best way for the stress to build up.
I sit in front of the pc for 7 hours today. just to screen and read all the papers I need to (have to) cite, which is thing i hate to do the most.....because reading scientific reports is a very dry and brain intensive process. it exhausts brain stamina, tiring. maciam play 200 mnutes soccer match full pitch with 10 vs 11. and i can never understand why scientists like to use difficult descriptions when there is easier and reader-friendly way of expression. maybe by the time i am about to finish my paper or the reviewer reject for the 3rd time, i would understand.
so by 7pm today, i finished 50Mb of reports in pdf.
I am so satisfied.
This is incredible. and i think what's enough is enough. This would be the only time for a 7 hours sci-reading-streak.
because i have blur vision and guess it wouldn't go away until i wake up tml.
And there is not much i can do now because things are not ready. not because I am not ready. this is exactly like a soccer player so eager going back to the pitch but the fractured forth metatarsal is not recovered yet. i say, waiting is the best way for the stress to build up.
I sit in front of the pc for 7 hours today. just to screen and read all the papers I need to (have to) cite, which is thing i hate to do the most.....because reading scientific reports is a very dry and brain intensive process. it exhausts brain stamina, tiring. maciam play 200 mnutes soccer match full pitch with 10 vs 11. and i can never understand why scientists like to use difficult descriptions when there is easier and reader-friendly way of expression. maybe by the time i am about to finish my paper or the reviewer reject for the 3rd time, i would understand.
so by 7pm today, i finished 50Mb of reports in pdf.
I am so satisfied.
This is incredible. and i think what's enough is enough. This would be the only time for a 7 hours sci-reading-streak.
because i have blur vision and guess it wouldn't go away until i wake up tml.
Wednesday, December 6, 2006
昨 天拆线后上街去,走到MPH书局看见汉英字典,想起文心,就打了电话给他。再走一下,我看见一出叫Mirmo Zibang的动画,一出妙君想要看很久却又找不到的。那边全十四集,缺第六。问店主,说乌节路的店有第六。我想了想,拿了1-5,然后一口气就付钱了。 回到家静一静时,心里其实有一点点后悔,又不是什么特别的人,竟然还那么慷慨,真的不便宜呢。而且,那是他三,四年前叫我们随便一个有BT的帮他下载。那 时听都没听过那动画,我看Naruto的嘛。一下就没放在心上了,反正又不是我的女朋友。然后有点庆幸,还好14缺6。要不,我八成全买了。
去? 不去?
昨 天拆线后上街去,走到MPH书局看见汉英字典,想起文心,就打了电话给他。再走一下,我看见一出叫Mirmo Zibang的动画,一出妙君想要看很久却又找不到的。那边全十四集,缺第六。问店主,说乌节路的店有第六。我想了想,拿了1-5,然后一口气就付钱了。 回到家静一静时,心里其实有一点点后悔,又不是什么特别的人,竟然还那么慷慨,真的不便宜呢。而且,那是他三,四年前叫我们随便一个有BT的帮他下载。那 时听都没听过那动画,我看Naruto的嘛。一下就没放在心上了,反正又不是我的女朋友。然后有点庆幸,还好14缺6。要不,我八成全买了。
去? 不去?
Monday, December 4, 2006
This was the last painting of year 2005.

And this is the first painting completed in year 2006.
if you still remember this painting.....it was about 6 months ago.

After then I have been painting constantly.

And this was the latest painting. yet to be completed.
Trying something different, i thought it will be easy. and it turns out exceptionally difficult technically.

And this is the first painting completed in year 2006.
if you still remember this painting.....it was about 6 months ago.

After then I have been painting constantly.

And this was the latest painting. yet to be completed.
Trying something different, i thought it will be easy. and it turns out exceptionally difficult technically.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006
我在看蔡智恒的檞寄生 。 上网查看发觉那生字有误用嫌疑,还好他不是植物学研究生主修毕业,就算错了也罪不至死。想是有人看他迅速走红,眼睛也跟着发红,捉着这点穷追猛打。又不是教小学算术一加二乘三等于九,唉,何苦。
Wednesday, November 1, 2006
You have the blessing from my heart.
May the happiness be with you.
and your family, forever.
You have the blessing from my heart.
May the happiness be with you.
and your family, forever.
Sunday, October 29, 2006
竹内结子 Yuko Takeuchi
我最近看了很多电影。The Prestige,看蝙蝠侠对X-Men, 好看,不过我不喜欢。然后之前就是那出好看又喜欢的ま、会いにゆきます。然后没有了。唔,其实不是很多。哈哈。现在在看木村和竹内结子的 The Pride,借的。






Thursday, October 19, 2006
deadline deadline
It is going to be my first phase of closing my first major research project. i think this is important to me, because it makes me feel i've accomplished sth significant.
After discussed with yc i think the skeleton of the paper is almost done, with important figures are ready to get their places. 5 more weeks to work on all of the remaining experiments, and then going on a stretch of leave with a holiday trip to cameroon followed by 1 week MC due to operation. then december will be my time to write the paper, get the draft done by christmas, have a break and then sent the manuscript to publisher by CNY, then go celebrate edi haha.... finger cross, yc had offered me the first authorship, i hope things go well. i am determine to explore how much i hv improve exactly, so far. growing in any attribute in any aspect of life is a gratifying experience. call me naive now, there is no money involve in spite of the massive effort i had put in.
it's sth else. there is fame and influence, which is not within measure range of money capable of. As the first name appearing in a scientific literature in international publication is probably my carrot, probably the source of courage too. hmm...i wonder if how many ppl will read my paper....

my alternative source of inspiration.....
that's why I always feel that there isn't much time for me to catch the deadline for 2007 August intake of postgraduate program these days. else have to enrol for 2008 january edi. And what make thing worse is i have been long perceive the deadlne is on January. today i checked the deadline.
it is 1st december.
there is no way i could meet the date considering the tasks on plate now. fortunately was lunch with kayu and we talked about it. she said it is still possible to submit the application after the deadline. on one hand i am quite relief, on the other hand a delay of 5 month maybe can buy me some time to get a head start before all the classes and lectures begin.....ok, this was my "self-explanatory-cum-consolation" before meet up with kayu, if i really cannot make it to august intake la. i can then clear all the major dirty work in lab within that 5 months, then go to classes when school start. ordinary ppl like me will feel less workload and stress. multitasking certainly not sth i am good at..
this is an additional point. self-esteem one. i guess my bone is made of sciences and my soul is made of arts.
Seriously, i feel like a director shooting a film rushing for deadline of Oscar Awards submission now.
After discussed with yc i think the skeleton of the paper is almost done, with important figures are ready to get their places. 5 more weeks to work on all of the remaining experiments, and then going on a stretch of leave with a holiday trip to cameroon followed by 1 week MC due to operation. then december will be my time to write the paper, get the draft done by christmas, have a break and then sent the manuscript to publisher by CNY, then go celebrate edi haha.... finger cross, yc had offered me the first authorship, i hope things go well. i am determine to explore how much i hv improve exactly, so far. growing in any attribute in any aspect of life is a gratifying experience. call me naive now, there is no money involve in spite of the massive effort i had put in.
it's sth else. there is fame and influence, which is not within measure range of money capable of. As the first name appearing in a scientific literature in international publication is probably my carrot, probably the source of courage too. hmm...i wonder if how many ppl will read my paper....

my alternative source of inspiration.....
that's why I always feel that there isn't much time for me to catch the deadline for 2007 August intake of postgraduate program these days. else have to enrol for 2008 january edi. And what make thing worse is i have been long perceive the deadlne is on January. today i checked the deadline.
it is 1st december.
there is no way i could meet the date considering the tasks on plate now. fortunately was lunch with kayu and we talked about it. she said it is still possible to submit the application after the deadline. on one hand i am quite relief, on the other hand a delay of 5 month maybe can buy me some time to get a head start before all the classes and lectures begin.....ok, this was my "self-explanatory-cum-consolation" before meet up with kayu, if i really cannot make it to august intake la. i can then clear all the major dirty work in lab within that 5 months, then go to classes when school start. ordinary ppl like me will feel less workload and stress. multitasking certainly not sth i am good at..
this is an additional point. self-esteem one. i guess my bone is made of sciences and my soul is made of arts.
Seriously, i feel like a director shooting a film rushing for deadline of Oscar Awards submission now.
Sunday, October 15, 2006
I just finished watching how Man Utd came back from behind and beat Wigan 3-1. i went back to my room trying to surf the soccernet match report.
Then I saw this:

The MSN users in highlight are my cousins, they are brothers. Red is the elder. haha, I can't resist myself, i am very amused. seriously I am laughing now, haha. Who knows what's going on.
ya you are right. the 模范生 elder brother even got his spelling wrong......
Then I saw this:

The MSN users in highlight are my cousins, they are brothers. Red is the elder. haha, I can't resist myself, i am very amused. seriously I am laughing now, haha. Who knows what's going on.
ya you are right. the 模范生 elder brother even got his spelling wrong......
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Thursday, October 12, 2006
这些工作,没有热忱的话是不可能待得太久的。其实什么工都是。我说的热忱,是发自内心的喜欢,和喜欢一个人是一样的。伪装经不起时间考验,口中的热忱不值一提。说我爱你会有几难? 你说说看。如果心里面不喜欢一个人,绝不可能看得见未来。对一段感情充满热忱,就是这么一回事。
这些工作,没有热忱的话是不可能待得太久的。其实什么工都是。我说的热忱,是发自内心的喜欢,和喜欢一个人是一样的。伪装经不起时间考验,口中的热忱不值一提。说我爱你会有几难? 你说说看。如果心里面不喜欢一个人,绝不可能看得见未来。对一段感情充满热忱,就是这么一回事。
Thursday, October 5, 2006
日本电影,いま、会いにゆきます,译现在,很想见你。英文 “Be with you” 。
Saturday, September 30, 2006
Had a terrifying and traumatizing dream. I woke up in the middle of the sleep. and surprisingly the dream continued after i went back to bed.
i was relief it was indeed the best ending of the dream could have.
I hope you are fine. Even it is not, it will end as in the dream.
Take care.
i was relief it was indeed the best ending of the dream could have.
I hope you are fine. Even it is not, it will end as in the dream.
Take care.
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Thursday, September 14, 2006
您出生于公历1981年09月02日星期三农历辛酉年(鸡)八月初五午时,今年26岁,五行骨重为5.7两,命书如下(仅供参考): .......(what the hell...)
此命为人心性灵巧, 做事细致, 足智多谋,志气高昂,少年勤学,名利成就,适逢快乐, 气量宽宏,财禄有余,犹如锦上添花。中限交来自成自立,渐渐荣昌,招人进财,妻子晚配为美,四十至四十五六岁,看子成名,末限多得意,家中财产甚丰隆,妻宫有克,二子送终,寿元七十三,卒于正月之中。(yah i like this, early marriage get ugly wife....but gf can get earlier..)
O型血的人热情,富有浪漫气息,大方爽朗的个性很容易受到异性的欢迎!O型血的人喜欢干脆而自在的恋爱,和情人交往也好像是跟朋友一样无拘无束,有自恋倾向和不愿被束缚的性格,在恋爱时都很容易显露出来。(haha...jealous? i also jealous of myself muahha)
★有信用,不说谎。(damn it, i am such a square ass)
测测你上辈子是什么人:根据你的公元出生年月日,经过电脑计算,结果为3, 代表你上辈子是有钱人 (yah you are right. BUT THAT WAS THE PAST)
他的动力:勤劳。(i dun like this.....)
这是一个典型的独身者的性格,不喜欢意外的事情。在激情所致的内心骚动面前,常常显得惶恐不定,他用持续不断的自我克制或批评精神来自卫。把遵守习俗作为他行动的准则,一成不变的生活是他理想的天堂。(walao, i am glad i can choose not to believe!)
这 是个既认真又有强烈责任心的人,一丝不苟地做好本职工作是他的座右铭。所以,可以充分地信赖他,依靠他。一般地说,这种人不喜欢到独立的事业中去发挥才智,而愿意在专家、教授或领导者的身边做助手工作,因此,他所得到的利益与他所付出的辛苦一般是不相称的。然而尽心尽责地完成本职工作是他的信条,也是他 引以自豪的最大心愿。(i think this he is right)
(yes, can anyone of you who fall in any of the mentioned zodiac send me your CV with 2 recent photos?)
尽管多麽渴望天常地久的爱情。却永远告诉对方,你不爱了的时候,随时可以走。(this is acting tough la....you know)
-- 你是有志气的稳重知性派, 志向坚定又稳重的你是知性派,因此不切实际.没有智慧的异性是不会令你注意的.唯有务实.冷静脚踏实地的人,才合乎当你情人的条件.但要配合你的步调相当不易,他必须要有能力主导有些霸气的你… ** 你 的 理 想 对 象 是 冷 静 踏 实 的 人 ** ( i want to burn yellow paper!!)
☆☆☆☆ 处女座因为对爱情有洁癖,害怕受伤害,所以表面上风平浪静,心底却蠢蠢欲动。一般公认纯情度很高,事实上却喜欢到处放电,跟每个人维持良好关系,不过感情很持久。(it's because the electricty always got leakage la.....)
看似温柔其实刚毅的个性,及贞洁聪慧有高度艺术监赏力,使得魅力天成,加上其乐於学习,可以由後天的努力更添魅力。(i am totally flattered...muhahhhha)
您出生于公历1981年09月02日星期三农历辛酉年(鸡)八月初五午时,今年26岁,五行骨重为5.7两,命书如下(仅供参考): .......(what the hell...)
此命为人心性灵巧, 做事细致, 足智多谋,志气高昂,少年勤学,名利成就,适逢快乐, 气量宽宏,财禄有余,犹如锦上添花。中限交来自成自立,渐渐荣昌,招人进财,妻子晚配为美,四十至四十五六岁,看子成名,末限多得意,家中财产甚丰隆,妻宫有克,二子送终,寿元七十三,卒于正月之中。(yah i like this, early marriage get ugly wife....but gf can get earlier..)
O型血的人热情,富有浪漫气息,大方爽朗的个性很容易受到异性的欢迎!O型血的人喜欢干脆而自在的恋爱,和情人交往也好像是跟朋友一样无拘无束,有自恋倾向和不愿被束缚的性格,在恋爱时都很容易显露出来。(haha...jealous? i also jealous of myself muahha)
★有信用,不说谎。(damn it, i am such a square ass)
测测你上辈子是什么人:根据你的公元出生年月日,经过电脑计算,结果为3, 代表你上辈子是有钱人 (yah you are right. BUT THAT WAS THE PAST)
他的动力:勤劳。(i dun like this.....)
这是一个典型的独身者的性格,不喜欢意外的事情。在激情所致的内心骚动面前,常常显得惶恐不定,他用持续不断的自我克制或批评精神来自卫。把遵守习俗作为他行动的准则,一成不变的生活是他理想的天堂。(walao, i am glad i can choose not to believe!)
这 是个既认真又有强烈责任心的人,一丝不苟地做好本职工作是他的座右铭。所以,可以充分地信赖他,依靠他。一般地说,这种人不喜欢到独立的事业中去发挥才智,而愿意在专家、教授或领导者的身边做助手工作,因此,他所得到的利益与他所付出的辛苦一般是不相称的。然而尽心尽责地完成本职工作是他的信条,也是他 引以自豪的最大心愿。(i think this he is right)
(yes, can anyone of you who fall in any of the mentioned zodiac send me your CV with 2 recent photos?)
尽管多麽渴望天常地久的爱情。却永远告诉对方,你不爱了的时候,随时可以走。(this is acting tough la....you know)
-- 你是有志气的稳重知性派, 志向坚定又稳重的你是知性派,因此不切实际.没有智慧的异性是不会令你注意的.唯有务实.冷静脚踏实地的人,才合乎当你情人的条件.但要配合你的步调相当不易,他必须要有能力主导有些霸气的你… ** 你 的 理 想 对 象 是 冷 静 踏 实 的 人 ** ( i want to burn yellow paper!!)
☆☆☆☆ 处女座因为对爱情有洁癖,害怕受伤害,所以表面上风平浪静,心底却蠢蠢欲动。一般公认纯情度很高,事实上却喜欢到处放电,跟每个人维持良好关系,不过感情很持久。(it's because the electricty always got leakage la.....)
看似温柔其实刚毅的个性,及贞洁聪慧有高度艺术监赏力,使得魅力天成,加上其乐於学习,可以由後天的努力更添魅力。(i am totally flattered...muhahhhha)
Friday, August 4, 2006
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Thursday, June 8, 2006
I've almost forgotten how a family should function.
I've lost my father for many years, not because he rests in peace, it was because he left the family. My mum then pulled through probably the toughest period of her life, and now we all grown up all thanks to her. It is something an outsider can never experience.
Regardless what's the form of a family, a complete family should include father and mother. It is quite upset for my mum to hear this, the actual fact is we never lack of a single piece of maternal love; yet no matter what, the absence after the departure of my father is irreplaceable and is dearly missed. It wasn't my mum's fault; the boot was still empty regardless how she tried.
I moved into a new place and ej's parents came for a visit. Over the period they stayed here, I thought we were in a family. I laughed at ej and brother they probably drown in the maternal/paternal love, as all of the housekeeping was well taken care. But that wasn't the most important one, it was when i saw how they communicate and live as a family. Respect, appreciation, care, tolerance, acceptance and understanding; they probably know each other so well.
It strikes me at once. I thought I felt the "family".
I said to my bro once, maybe it is a good thing our father left the family so we all grown up in a way as we are now, because my mentality and the way I think did make a great shift after my father had left. Perhaps, it wasn't a bad thing after all because I am quite pleased with the person as who am I now. I certainly do not agree with a lot of my character in the past. Not entirely being influenced but it just appears never get out of his shadow. And I guess the reason I severely lack of confidence today was due to accumulate unappreciated effort and recognition over the years. Making excuse for this doesn’t help; I am just trying to make sense of what has happened to me. Maybe it will help me understand myself better.
It was his departure that make today's mine. i didn't learn anything from him as far as i can remember, I learn a lot of characters from my mum, both good one and bad one. But it was him who makes me developed. From what my mum has told (cos i dun remember who is he and how he behave), I thought I certainly surpass him as a person.
I am pleased.
I've lost my father for many years, not because he rests in peace, it was because he left the family. My mum then pulled through probably the toughest period of her life, and now we all grown up all thanks to her. It is something an outsider can never experience.
Regardless what's the form of a family, a complete family should include father and mother. It is quite upset for my mum to hear this, the actual fact is we never lack of a single piece of maternal love; yet no matter what, the absence after the departure of my father is irreplaceable and is dearly missed. It wasn't my mum's fault; the boot was still empty regardless how she tried.
I moved into a new place and ej's parents came for a visit. Over the period they stayed here, I thought we were in a family. I laughed at ej and brother they probably drown in the maternal/paternal love, as all of the housekeeping was well taken care. But that wasn't the most important one, it was when i saw how they communicate and live as a family. Respect, appreciation, care, tolerance, acceptance and understanding; they probably know each other so well.
It strikes me at once. I thought I felt the "family".
I said to my bro once, maybe it is a good thing our father left the family so we all grown up in a way as we are now, because my mentality and the way I think did make a great shift after my father had left. Perhaps, it wasn't a bad thing after all because I am quite pleased with the person as who am I now. I certainly do not agree with a lot of my character in the past. Not entirely being influenced but it just appears never get out of his shadow. And I guess the reason I severely lack of confidence today was due to accumulate unappreciated effort and recognition over the years. Making excuse for this doesn’t help; I am just trying to make sense of what has happened to me. Maybe it will help me understand myself better.
It was his departure that make today's mine. i didn't learn anything from him as far as i can remember, I learn a lot of characters from my mum, both good one and bad one. But it was him who makes me developed. From what my mum has told (cos i dun remember who is he and how he behave), I thought I certainly surpass him as a person.
I am pleased.
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Reshuffling. New house. New life.
I am moving into a new house this saturday. it's going to end my 22 months tenancy in sm's place. i am getting a little excited and looking forward to it.
while i am packing i started throwing things away, including a lot a lot of letters over the years when i was undergrad. i was very diligent back then. =)
btw lets get back to what i wanted to say.....so what bother me now is what we call "companionship".
it wasn't the first time i feel lonely. if you are aware there were even entries i stated it bluntly. everyone say be strong and independent. so, how, you tell me. human are by nature animals live in group, it just happened that some do adapt better living alone over time. when i was in the hall, there are so many ppl around and i choose to be alone most of the time. and getting a little anti social towards the end.
when i moved out from hostel, i missed the presence of my friends dearly. i was never been completely detached from the hall anyway, it just gradually move on to the life i am having now. i am now live without the hall, except the badminton court. and the pool table. i am completely fine with the life now. it was a little difficult to have a meal on your own for the first time, but it will become a normal practice sooner than imagined.
regardless i was adapted to live alone, to a certain extent, i found it is nothing to do with ...how strong and independent are you. there are feeling and opinion genuinely generated from bottom of your heart. jelousy, loneliness, happiness, depression etc, as well as the need for companionship. we were always told you must be stronger, tougher....what's wrong with having a weaker character? PREFERRED NOT to be alone is not a sin. CANNOT live alone is just...desperate.
we were told to be strong and tough and independent. it's like feeling lonely is a negative reflection of your character. like you are forever-never-grown-up-spoilt-brat. this thought deeply confused me. i thought we were born to have our own character, exhibit different attributes. some can live alone better but some don't.
i guess the real point doesnt lie on how strong/independent are you. it is HOW YOU RESPOND to the emptiness and loneliness. taking out of the context, you naturally feel jealous when your gf went out with her ex. you very upset for not making into second upper class by 0.007. there are ppl cannot stand one to feel jealous, like it is very..not gentlemen; or feeling disappointed for the 0.007 is being plain weak.
give me a break, folks.
living weak is not entirely wrong in its own way. self psycho to make yourself a stronger person? don't make me laugh man. no one can get away from it until the day we understand our own feeling. i know i am happy today, i know i am sad today. i feel lonely now, go for a movie with friend; i feel jealous, but she was comfortable even the last time i went out with my first crush. it's nothing wrong being yourself as...weak/jealous/sad/depressed/angry/frustrated/bored, as long as you know how to respond to the emotion and feeling.
I am looking forward to the new life in the new house.
I prefer to stay with friends.
I don't want to stay on my own.
while i am packing i started throwing things away, including a lot a lot of letters over the years when i was undergrad. i was very diligent back then. =)
btw lets get back to what i wanted to say.....so what bother me now is what we call "companionship".
it wasn't the first time i feel lonely. if you are aware there were even entries i stated it bluntly. everyone say be strong and independent. so, how, you tell me. human are by nature animals live in group, it just happened that some do adapt better living alone over time. when i was in the hall, there are so many ppl around and i choose to be alone most of the time. and getting a little anti social towards the end.
when i moved out from hostel, i missed the presence of my friends dearly. i was never been completely detached from the hall anyway, it just gradually move on to the life i am having now. i am now live without the hall, except the badminton court. and the pool table. i am completely fine with the life now. it was a little difficult to have a meal on your own for the first time, but it will become a normal practice sooner than imagined.
regardless i was adapted to live alone, to a certain extent, i found it is nothing to do with ...how strong and independent are you. there are feeling and opinion genuinely generated from bottom of your heart. jelousy, loneliness, happiness, depression etc, as well as the need for companionship. we were always told you must be stronger, tougher....what's wrong with having a weaker character? PREFERRED NOT to be alone is not a sin. CANNOT live alone is just...desperate.
we were told to be strong and tough and independent. it's like feeling lonely is a negative reflection of your character. like you are forever-never-grown-up-spoilt-brat. this thought deeply confused me. i thought we were born to have our own character, exhibit different attributes. some can live alone better but some don't.
i guess the real point doesnt lie on how strong/independent are you. it is HOW YOU RESPOND to the emptiness and loneliness. taking out of the context, you naturally feel jealous when your gf went out with her ex. you very upset for not making into second upper class by 0.007. there are ppl cannot stand one to feel jealous, like it is very..not gentlemen; or feeling disappointed for the 0.007 is being plain weak.
give me a break, folks.
living weak is not entirely wrong in its own way. self psycho to make yourself a stronger person? don't make me laugh man. no one can get away from it until the day we understand our own feeling. i know i am happy today, i know i am sad today. i feel lonely now, go for a movie with friend; i feel jealous, but she was comfortable even the last time i went out with my first crush. it's nothing wrong being yourself as...weak/jealous/sad/depressed/angry/frustrated/bored, as long as you know how to respond to the emotion and feeling.
I am looking forward to the new life in the new house.
I prefer to stay with friends.
I don't want to stay on my own.
Monday, May 15, 2006
and today i were back. from ipoh, taking airasia, reached senai in 50 minutes. i am not going to take bus anymore.
so actually i were back to the place that set the best fullstop in my undergrad. a dearly belated reminder of the trip. 2 years anniversary of sabah trip just passed. it was 28th April...7th May 2004.
here we go, senai airport...(xxx Ismail xxx airport, actually, cant remember damn.)

stand like idiot there waiting for the flight.
it was like maciam tourist trip...i mean leading a tourist trip. cos most of them cannot speak malay, together with some extra-TLC-required malaysian, haha. wait very long edi i supposed but din feel it cos keep talking(walking) around, the most relaxing days in my years since i came to singapore. tell you i nvr rested for the past 4 yrs, i burn my sem break and 3 month holidays for sth now seems useless but exciting back then. so time is up, check in.

then walking happily into the plane.

then chop the seat and take photos, a lot a lot of photos on the flight. AirAsia only dude. seldom take flight, so very excited. here comes me, sc, jy, egon n fiona at the back.

go to alot of places. this is a place called Fairy Garden that named after kayu......

.....who is not in the photo because she was downstair shooting THAT photo....with the most sunshining smile of the year...

and before leaving the place, trying to entertain the highest maintainance-required member dorothy...

nvr make it to the peak. so trying to console ourselves by taking a not-so-far-away photo. the mount kinabalu. and all the guys....MAN. haha.

and make it even closer. at kaki bukit edi. Everyone now. the only full strength photo. The ONLY one, i also dunno why only one shot, at the place that we nvr make it in somemore.

rent the van to take us anywhere we want. RM2700 per van per 10 days ok? this van got a plate number 4337. but driver is driver, taking photo damn lousy...hand shake one.

went to this place called Poring, got water fall and hot spring one. behind mount kinabalu.....so trekking to the upstream. so going up.

reach the top edi. the toughest journey...keep fighting with leeches. ass. record 3 seconds in water the feet got 3 leeches edi. 1 leeches per second...and damn, why girls like to put their face so close together?

you see....guys don't.

Pengakap also don't. they play brokeback mountain and dragon ball. want to combine. his name is ansley. beware of him. and enoch got his half underwear exposed.

and got these duo..duo...gay, trying to be funny. the one surrender first have to being called a gay. cannot argue.

Then go to pulau tiga, the survival island......

do a lot of sports....soccer.....


.......rock climbing....

.....life saving....

and peeing.

with the mission impossible.....i swear: i wanna pond ah bairn..

then the advisor thinks...

thinker also thinks....

and then ah bairn fall into the trap. lure her. act friendly first.

after that is 18PG. censored.
so we proceed to rafting. team of the year. alamak, me, kayu, mabel and ah bairn.

then go to drink sabah coconut juice. i thought got difference.

then go all the way north towards Kudat to see funny thing like this...


and this.

then we were at the tip of Borneo edi.

went to University Malaysia Sabah (UMS).

....and all the Life Sciences graduate take photo.

so this is actually day 9 edi if you are not aware of. all sleep like a dead dog.

say good bye to sabah.

and say good bye to Air Asia.

and say good bye to ourselves.

and sleep again.

and again.

and then wake up from the dream, we started our life again. go honours. go working. go army. go NIE.
the best trip after CP 97'.
so actually i were back to the place that set the best fullstop in my undergrad. a dearly belated reminder of the trip. 2 years anniversary of sabah trip just passed. it was 28th April...7th May 2004.
here we go, senai airport...(xxx Ismail xxx airport, actually, cant remember damn.)

stand like idiot there waiting for the flight.
it was like maciam tourist trip...i mean leading a tourist trip. cos most of them cannot speak malay, together with some extra-TLC-required malaysian, haha. wait very long edi i supposed but din feel it cos keep talking(walking) around, the most relaxing days in my years since i came to singapore. tell you i nvr rested for the past 4 yrs, i burn my sem break and 3 month holidays for sth now seems useless but exciting back then. so time is up, check in.

then walking happily into the plane.

then chop the seat and take photos, a lot a lot of photos on the flight. AirAsia only dude. seldom take flight, so very excited. here comes me, sc, jy, egon n fiona at the back.

go to alot of places. this is a place called Fairy Garden that named after kayu......

.....who is not in the photo because she was downstair shooting THAT photo....with the most sunshining smile of the year...

and before leaving the place, trying to entertain the highest maintainance-required member dorothy...

nvr make it to the peak. so trying to console ourselves by taking a not-so-far-away photo. the mount kinabalu. and all the guys....MAN. haha.

and make it even closer. at kaki bukit edi. Everyone now. the only full strength photo. The ONLY one, i also dunno why only one shot, at the place that we nvr make it in somemore.

rent the van to take us anywhere we want. RM2700 per van per 10 days ok? this van got a plate number 4337. but driver is driver, taking photo damn lousy...hand shake one.

went to this place called Poring, got water fall and hot spring one. behind mount kinabalu.....so trekking to the upstream. so going up.

reach the top edi. the toughest journey...keep fighting with leeches. ass. record 3 seconds in water the feet got 3 leeches edi. 1 leeches per second...and damn, why girls like to put their face so close together?

you see....guys don't.

Pengakap also don't. they play brokeback mountain and dragon ball. want to combine. his name is ansley. beware of him. and enoch got his half underwear exposed.

and got these duo..duo...gay, trying to be funny. the one surrender first have to being called a gay. cannot argue.

Then go to pulau tiga, the survival island......

do a lot of sports....soccer.....


.......rock climbing....

.....life saving....

and peeing.

with the mission impossible.....i swear: i wanna pond ah bairn..

then the advisor thinks...

thinker also thinks....

and then ah bairn fall into the trap. lure her. act friendly first.

after that is 18PG. censored.
so we proceed to rafting. team of the year. alamak, me, kayu, mabel and ah bairn.

then go to drink sabah coconut juice. i thought got difference.

then go all the way north towards Kudat to see funny thing like this...


and this.

then we were at the tip of Borneo edi.

went to University Malaysia Sabah (UMS).

....and all the Life Sciences graduate take photo.

so this is actually day 9 edi if you are not aware of. all sleep like a dead dog.

say good bye to sabah.

and say good bye to Air Asia.

and say good bye to ourselves.

and sleep again.

and again.

and then wake up from the dream, we started our life again. go honours. go working. go army. go NIE.
the best trip after CP 97'.
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