so actually i were back to the place that set the best fullstop in my undergrad. a dearly belated reminder of the trip. 2 years anniversary of sabah trip just passed. it was 28th April...7th May 2004.
here we go, senai airport...(xxx Ismail xxx airport, actually, cant remember damn.)

stand like idiot there waiting for the flight.
it was like maciam tourist trip...i mean leading a tourist trip. cos most of them cannot speak malay, together with some extra-TLC-required malaysian, haha. wait very long edi i supposed but din feel it cos keep talking(walking) around, the most relaxing days in my years since i came to singapore. tell you i nvr rested for the past 4 yrs, i burn my sem break and 3 month holidays for sth now seems useless but exciting back then. so time is up, check in.

then walking happily into the plane.

then chop the seat and take photos, a lot a lot of photos on the flight. AirAsia only dude. seldom take flight, so very excited. here comes me, sc, jy, egon n fiona at the back.

go to alot of places. this is a place called Fairy Garden that named after kayu......

.....who is not in the photo because she was downstair shooting THAT photo....with the most sunshining smile of the year...

and before leaving the place, trying to entertain the highest maintainance-required member dorothy...

nvr make it to the peak. so trying to console ourselves by taking a not-so-far-away photo. the mount kinabalu. and all the guys....MAN. haha.

and make it even closer. at kaki bukit edi. Everyone now. the only full strength photo. The ONLY one, i also dunno why only one shot, at the place that we nvr make it in somemore.

rent the van to take us anywhere we want. RM2700 per van per 10 days ok? this van got a plate number 4337. but driver is driver, taking photo damn lousy...hand shake one.

went to this place called Poring, got water fall and hot spring one. behind mount trekking to the upstream. so going up.

reach the top edi. the toughest journey...keep fighting with leeches. ass. record 3 seconds in water the feet got 3 leeches edi. 1 leeches per second...and damn, why girls like to put their face so close together?

you see....guys don't.

Pengakap also don't. they play brokeback mountain and dragon ball. want to combine. his name is ansley. beware of him. and enoch got his half underwear exposed.

and got these, trying to be funny. the one surrender first have to being called a gay. cannot argue.

Then go to pulau tiga, the survival island......

do a lot of


.......rock climbing.... saving....

and peeing.

with the mission impossible.....i swear: i wanna pond ah bairn..

then the advisor thinks...

thinker also thinks....

and then ah bairn fall into the trap. lure her. act friendly first.

after that is 18PG. censored.
so we proceed to rafting. team of the year. alamak, me, kayu, mabel and ah bairn.

then go to drink sabah coconut juice. i thought got difference.

then go all the way north towards Kudat to see funny thing like this...


and this.

then we were at the tip of Borneo edi.

went to University Malaysia Sabah (UMS).

....and all the Life Sciences graduate take photo.

so this is actually day 9 edi if you are not aware of. all sleep like a dead dog.

say good bye to sabah.

and say good bye to Air Asia.

and say good bye to ourselves.

and sleep again.

and again.

and then wake up from the dream, we started our life again. go honours. go working. go army. go NIE.
the best trip after CP 97'.
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