Wednesday, May 3, 2006


Imitation is the best form of flattering.

this is all about confidence, which i found out these years, we all lack of confident from that kind of environment. we hope we are like someone and never comfortable as who we are. ya that's the line, 'comfortable with yourself'.

we say, be yourself. you never know how hard it is when it's not merely by the mouth. do you have the gut to say no and say yes whenever your heart tells? you trying damn hard to make up an image that ppl like to look at, or to fit into ppl's expectation. you want to be a nice guy, you try to please everyone you know, you don't want to be yourself. but your mouth says me is me.

but is that you?

no, that's not. because you afriad of ruin a relationship, family, friends, whoever. this is a sign of insecurity, a reflection of the emptiness in one's heart. fear of irritate a person, or make them not happy. i thought you just said you are glad because the ppl surrounding accept you as who you are? or you create a personality that is easily accepted by tom dick harry....anyone?

you hate copy cat, i don't.

because imitation is the best form of flattering.

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