Sunday, June 15, 2008

Back in Singapore

So I was back yesterday evening.

Went out for a movie with good friend to watch The Hulk, but I was too tired, jet lagged. Almost fall to sleep and was stoning through out.

Well, German are snobbish for reasons. They are not famous for noble anyway. They are typically logical, organized and systematic. But it's okay. My questions take some time for them to answer. (muahaha, I is happy!!)

all in all, is a nice place with nice weather. Not sure is either because first experience or because I really like it, I actually like it.

But those officer in the checkpoint really suspect my entry as I look like a potential terrorist from Malaysia trying to put a bomb on their ICE train. Before I tried to protest, a second thought flash through my mind that the modern day terrorists were all professional engineer or doctor. fine. I will take their suspicion as a compliment.

And the best thing to do at night is drinking. best beer, and cheaper than plain water. I very suka. and maybe is good for the cold weather too. Hence I didn't take a single drop of plain water in Germany through out. Morning I have coffee, then fresh orange juice and tea during the training, beer at night. everyday same.

So when I was on the flight back, I suddenly came back in reality...oh is over. and the food on the flight were not even come close by any standard I had in Germany. I think I'm just bias.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hahahaha... love the positive spin you put on it. Taking their suspicions as a compliment =)