Checked in the hotel at around 1230am last night. I can't sleep well because the siren and hon from the road started waking me up at 630am. Non-stop since, so I decided to wake up around 8am, damn it.
The expressway and city area is probably the main connection to all area around Dhaka. It was an expressway shared by trucks, city buses, cars, green mini-tutu-bike (don't know what it called) and 3-wheels-bicycle carrying many kilograms of kuli-bao.

Unlike Pakistan, here got no good mango. juice. or dessert. Not sure what to expect from everyday meal, I have mango-meal 3 times a day in Pakistan and Manila. Don't know any local signature fruit or food so far, except the "fried rice" that was just plain rice that were fried. Not very imaginative.
Have not had any real impression to Dhaka yet but it got a bad start because I have to spent my mid-autumn here. I read their newspaper and found this "funny" editorial column talking about the anthrax threat in Bangladesh that spread via the beef. The author said something along this line:
"...when the ministry suggest the people microwave-cook all the beef for meal probably don't know most of his people in rural area cannot afford the microwave....When you got headache, chop your head off so you don't have headache."
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