This is the road in front of my hotel...yes, these were those hon and siren.

If you think Bangkok has bad traffic, at least they congested only with vehicles. Here, can you see the people walking in between fast moving car? They can judge the space and time better than anyone!!

It happened all day long, including night. As Dhaka is facing power shortage since July, most of the street were not light up. The people are invisible at night.
I didn't see any accident in 2 days. Amazing.
The amazement should extend to the public bus, which stop in the middle of the road (you see why the traffic is bad?) to drop the passenger when it is full, to prevent more passenger on board. but nothing can stop them. They chase, run, catch, trying to hold any part of the bus with their life. A moving bus cannot change their determination to board.
I saw one like a "trail" of people besides / behind a moving bus after that was already 50m away from the bus stop. That fellow was dragged on the road with his legs down, then the bus slowing down, so he was back with his foot again, eventually he jumped on it and got the ride.

There were also a lot of beggars knocking on the window asking for money. And many of them were naked or half naked, even the normal road crosser, many wear only sarung (I bet without underwear). I saw one guy scratching his buddy and witness the flash of genius. Yes. In the middle of a cross road.
I stay in a nice room, I eat in a nice restaurant, I complaint the crowded MRT and Bugis village. I will think of Dhaka the next time I complaint, for awhile, but maybe not too much. I empathize them but will not feel blessed myself just because I have a better life than them.
We live in a different world.