When I was in Karachi, there was a cyclone formed nearby the shore like just 1000km away, intensifying while moving towards Karachi. It hit Oman hard on my 2nd day (Thursday, 3 June 2010), and anticipated to hit Karachi in the next 24 hours.
Suddenly I was extremely prihatin about the cyclone. But you can hardly blame me because I have not been so close to any natural disaster to date, thanks to my tanahair who has everything but this.
Ladies and gentlemen, the Cyclone Phet. (This is the actual image)

Frankly, i felt a little anxious but not too paranoid because nothing abnormal happened and nobody around me talked about it (at all). I decided to demonstrate some national pride kind-of thing. So I also pretend like "oh, come on, I've been this for so many times~peanuts.."
Fortunately the intensity were losing when it reached the shore of Karachi. It was fine, but not fine enough to make my flight departed on time. The flight leaving Karachi was delayed for close to 2 hours.
Well done, so I will replay the episode in Bangkok. When I walked out from the cabin, Emirates staff already expecting my arrival and gathered all passengers connecting to Singapore and Kuala Lumpur.
I thought I have a chance to take a look at this. But the total minutes I stay in Dubai was 30 minutes at best, including the time I am in the cabin before it took off.

Anyway, finally I was back in Singapore safe and sound on Saturday (5 June 2010) evening. I feel like I am in another world. Appreciate the drains and the lights that switched on at night, and disaster free.
To my curiosity, I checked on the news after I came back.
This is Karachi on Monday. 2 days after I came home. Karachi got no drain, I've told you.

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