It is going to be my first phase of closing my first major research project. i think this is important to me, because it makes me feel i've accomplished sth significant.
After discussed with yc i think the skeleton of the paper is almost done, with important figures are ready to get their places. 5 more weeks to work on all of the remaining experiments, and then going on a stretch of leave with a holiday trip to cameroon followed by 1 week MC due to operation. then december will be my time to write the paper, get the draft done by christmas, have a break and then sent the manuscript to publisher by CNY, then go celebrate edi haha.... finger cross, yc had offered me the first authorship, i hope things go well. i am determine to explore how much i hv improve exactly, so far. growing in any attribute in any aspect of life is a gratifying experience. call me naive now, there is no money involve in spite of the massive effort i had put in.
it's sth else. there is fame and influence, which is not within measure range of money capable of. As the first name appearing in a scientific literature in international publication is probably my carrot, probably the source of courage too. hmm...i wonder if how many ppl will read my paper....
my alternative source of inspiration.....that's why I always feel that there isn't much time for me to catch the deadline for 2007 August intake of postgraduate program these days. else have to enrol for 2008 january edi. And what make thing worse is i have been long perceive the deadlne is on January. today i checked the deadline.
it is 1st december.
there is no way i could meet the date considering the tasks on plate now. fortunately was lunch with kayu and we talked about it. she said it is still possible to submit the application after the deadline. on one hand i am quite relief, on the other hand a delay of 5 month maybe can buy me some time to get a head start before all the classes and lectures begin.....ok, this was my "self-explanatory-cum-consolation" before meet up with kayu, if i really cannot make it to august intake la. i can then clear all the major dirty work in lab within that 5 months, then go to classes when school start. ordinary ppl like me will feel less workload and stress. multitasking certainly not sth i am good at..
this is an additional point. self-esteem one. i guess my bone is made of sciences and my soul is made of arts.
Seriously, i feel like a director shooting a film rushing for deadline of Oscar Awards submission now.