So, I am going to Pakistan
For god sake, as a self-declared multinational company, the risk going to a country like this should be explained and covered.
No it doesn't. The preparation for it is nothing more than other relatively ......predictable countries like South East Asia, Hong Kong or Taiwan.
It is easy to argue who who and who also went there and came back safe and sound. I feel the argument is just convenient and irresponsible, because based on the frequency of incidents in Pakistan, it is riding a lot on luck.
I remember once I told someone.
The value of a worker at the construction site is less than a managerial executive working in office, because the risk and chance of accident for construction workers is very much higher than the manager. However, the insurance that are available that safe guard the construction worker is very much less than the manager.
There the value is.
It is "unfair" but this is just the way it is.
The Act of God designation on all insurance policies... means roughly that you cannot be insured for the accidents that are most likely to happen to you. If your ox kicks a hole in your neighbour's Maserati, however, indemnity is instantaneous.
......How likely you own an ox (not a BMW), while your neighbour own a Maserati (not a chicken), and you guys are still neighbour, and your ox kicks a hole in his car?
So based on "the theory of the worker and the manager", now you know I am the lowest life-form in the company hierarchy.
Ladies and gentlemen, here's my passport photo.