Green Zone isn't a guy's movie, but guys are probably having an easier grasp of the plot than our ladies. Nonetheless, it wasn't a ladies-unfriendly movie. Green Zone is a mixture of facts and fictions that should quite appeal to anyone who "know" the war in Iraq.
But whether you interested in Iraq war issue or not is another story.
Well, the review from first batch of audience were quite polarized. I think maybe people sometimes tend to pretend like an alternatives because it looks trendy; or simply programmed to be critical because it makes you look like having independent opinion.
Anyway, I think these reviews contained some truth from either school, but I don't really bothered because I was entertained. I don't need to write a newspaper column and give stars anyway....ha.
So actually this is not a movie review either.
But there was one scene I just cannot forget. I don't know why but I could suddenly understand what is going through in his mind when Miller (Matt Damon) started to put down his AK-47.

Everyone have the right in deciding the future of its own country.
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