Summary: very busy (lazy) to write for the past 10 days.
ok, and the summary explain all.
it is getting on track, my research is on its pace now, i'm happy with it.
ok....then christmas eve, went to the lab for half day and everyone seems not in the working mood at all....that half days seems to me like 4 hrs of presents exchange session, hahahaha....and i didn't prepare any, but got a lot from them!!haha....
hmm, and ya again, yes, again, and I was there when someone cried. jy seems tired with it. he better do the right things from now on. and this jy who is one third of the golden triangle is now the only left over that still available, ahhaha, congrate cm and tw!! no more flirting for the other two huh, else hehe.....jy the-left-over-hotprop then being invited again....
initially Cy, jy and i were planned to just have a simple dinner at holland V, then YR suddenly invited her for countdown at orchard. i insisted not to join the crowd....too bad a girl in bad mood wasn't rejectable....suxx, how shitty me...where is my backbone???! so i went to look for my backbone at orchard, darn. whole night jy was stuck to cb, then Cy and i were 'observing' from behind....hahahah, darn funny cos there was someone keep silence for the whole night....hahaha. of course black face...who asked jy was holding cb's shirt all the time..all the time Ooo...:P
so 5 of us walked like an idiot at orchard. and tt jy showed her manipulation skill again.....of course i knew her, so don't even bother to care, so do Cy who was just laugh at her....then cb and YR both extremely worry cos the girl dun talk to them liao worr....i heck, cos i found my backbone, haha. and cb seems interested (attarcted or whatever)....asked me what to do..woohoo, like God huh, i told him : "if you can't settle this now, you are not going to settle in the future"....woah, like very smart hahahahah. sux,why i laugh so much....
kla, then met siewmee and sam at orchard, then finished and go home. went back to hall and looked for kayu. fantastic kayu and xy, nice cheese cake and salad for me:P it was nice....and she showed me what dinner they have for xmas eve, they cooked themselves.... oh man, tts MUCH MUCH MUCH better than what i ate at the somerset just now!! i feel like eating the salmon
yea and tts it for the eve, din go anywhere for chiristmas, went to former company's boss home for xmas party. then badminton again with jaron and energetic...concuss after tt ahhaha....
and monday is a good day, YC annouced there will be a PI (principal investigator) treat on the 1st week of 2005!! yay...LG suggested we shld go for jap food at tangling mall....haha let see what ck says when she back from her holiday. and YC discussed with me about plan in the near future,i guess now i'm quite safe until 31 march 2006....and i willing to take YC as my supervisor if one day i'm running for master degree. aih,....really a good news for me too...finally YC got the grant!! she got funded!!! congrate to her and to myself...:)
and now waiting for 2005 to come. wish me all the best, it is going to be a better year.
p/s. shucks....this is an ultimate gossip entirely....:P how kpo can i be..
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