上了中学,校服有名字。是个name tag。不同年纪就不同颜色,后面有扣针,用来扣在校服左边口袋上方。扣那个name tag是一件很麻烦的事,不带还会被学长抄名。就不知道谁先开始,大家以脱掉别人的name tag为乐,还要神不知鬼不觉。通常先假假讲话转移注意力,然后一招鬼影神偷单手除name tag。鬼影神偷很难练,要不重不轻把name tag压在那个人的胸,以比爱抚重一点,比胸袭轻很多的力道,一个‘上-下-横’的动作,要一连串一气呵成,‘上’用力下‘放松’,扣针就打开,name tag就随着那个‘横’的动作被除下来了。摸胸的动作要很自然,不可唐突;若‘横’的动作没练好的话,不但夺不下name tag,扣针还会开着‘挂’在那家伙的胸前。随便一动就会被扎。
后来还流行扯出校服。学校规定校服都要塞好,可是就有人会扯出你的衣服,前后左右都有可能,防不胜防。迅速的轻轻一拉,校服就跑出来了。快快塞好前面,后面来了。塞好后面,前面又来袭击。就这样,可以玩上好几个月,天天上学在一级警报状态。然后还喜欢踢后脚,跟在后面随着前人脚步,就在前面的人后脚抬起的杀那,向内踢。如果后脚是左脚就会踢到他自己的右脚, 不然则反之。就没有人要走前面,到后来会变成一列平行,没人要走前面也没人抢到后面。
Dirian lompat jauh 是体育节考试用的,就是双脚齐列,稍微张开,在没有助跑的情况下纯粹以脚力向前跳,看可以跳多远。那时二米是个Bench Mark, 大家跳上瘾,在课室内每换节就有比赛。还会用粉笔画下,量有多远,有记录有排名,超级无敌有规划管理。我还记得清清楚楚那个纪录保持人是谁,当年以二点六二米傲视群雄。排徊在二点三以下,我很快就放弃Dirian lompat jauh了。原地跳厌了,跳楼梯。一样的Dirian lompat jauh, 这次还要向上跳。三到四个梯级是什么人都可以的,到了五个就有点需要脚力,六级就要加多一点点腰力。而Bench Mark,在七个梯级。除了脚力和腰力要够强,最重要的是勇气。七级其实就及胸了,如果跳失败,你的膝盖连下面那条腿骨就会狠狠地撞在石灰梯级上,搞不好会骨折,让人大笑三个月。没有多少个能跳七个,敢跳的更少。不好意思,我是其中一个。
我们也有斯文的。那时吃饱没事做,就把名字连在住处一起,到处帮人家取名。那时有白兰Thong(白兰园),太平心(Jalan Chung Thye Pin),乒乓Kei(乒乓花园), 大街Loong(怡保大街), 卫星蚊(卫星市), 巴占祥(巴占),昆仑B(昆仑喇叭)等等,等等。当然,你要会广东话。。。
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
再说一次(<-- 可以按),我因喜欢分享生活经验而习惯了阅读别人的部落格。
在这里(<-- 可以按),是我自己的寻人启事。十九个月前写的,有点天真。因为沉溺在J的事情里。原来,时间还过得真快。却想起一首歌叫’对的人‘。
爱要耐心等待 仔细寻找 感觉很重要
宁可空白了手 等候一次 真心的拥抱
在这里 (<-- 可以按)也许你有一些共鸣,或曾经有过。你可以毫不介意毫不犹豫毫不留情地对号入座,因为那都不是罪过。
再说一次(<-- 可以按),我因喜欢分享生活经验而习惯了阅读别人的部落格。
在这里(<-- 可以按),是我自己的寻人启事。十九个月前写的,有点天真。因为沉溺在J的事情里。原来,时间还过得真快。却想起一首歌叫’对的人‘。
爱要耐心等待 仔细寻找 感觉很重要
宁可空白了手 等候一次 真心的拥抱
在这里 (<-- 可以按)也许你有一些共鸣,或曾经有过。你可以毫不介意毫不犹豫毫不留情地对号入座,因为那都不是罪过。
Sunday, June 10, 2007
It is at Jurong East
Yah i just moved house. before i start let's see what's Jamie Yeo said.

"Moving is stressful. So VERY stressful..... packing and unpacking, getting rid of the old furniture... have all but rendered me thoroughly exhausted. But the worst is over. And I'm now settling nicely into the new place.....Sentiments have no place when one is relocating. It takes a hardened heart to throw away old trinkets, keepsakes, moldy love letters, old high school grade slips, etc....I think memories make us who we are. They form the very essence of our lives and guide us towards our future chapters..... That's what life is all about, isn't it? Living... learning....loving.... experiencing... laughing...crying....and remembering"
Read the original article here.
Jamie Yeo is an Arsenal fan who host Nokia FootballCrazy in ESPN Star Sports. yeah, a sweetie pie who supports Arsenal.
In many ways, her thought smells familiar to me, maybe I buy her idea that's why. But certainly not because she is sweet, I swear, unless she is a Man Utd fan. =)
I thought i was quite tough when relocating. I throw things away ruthlessly, that's why I have little stuff to move around even this is the 5th year i am in Singapore. Over the past 5 years I didn't seem to accumulate things. Because I clear up my things, i mean, CLEAR UP.
But when comes to memories, I am the one that can never forget minute details when it registered in my mind. Read across the old entries you'll realized I'm an animal that feed on memory in order to live. But it was a brutal version of Jamie Yeo's quote.
I am glad I have enough memories to move on. The Block 299 old house is a place where I spent my time worth remembering. Not sure if i will sentimental enough to keep that place in mind for years to come, but the house I am staying now will probably be another part of my story.
One things i learn from past experience was, memories are meant to be the strength and reason to move on, instead of a mental barrier to overcome before we open our heart to new memory.
We don't need to forget, "life is about remembering", remember?

"Moving is stressful. So VERY stressful..... packing and unpacking, getting rid of the old furniture... have all but rendered me thoroughly exhausted. But the worst is over. And I'm now settling nicely into the new place.....Sentiments have no place when one is relocating. It takes a hardened heart to throw away old trinkets, keepsakes, moldy love letters, old high school grade slips, etc....I think memories make us who we are. They form the very essence of our lives and guide us towards our future chapters..... That's what life is all about, isn't it? Living... learning....loving.... experiencing... laughing...crying....and remembering"
Read the original article here.
Jamie Yeo is an Arsenal fan who host Nokia FootballCrazy in ESPN Star Sports. yeah, a sweetie pie who supports Arsenal.
In many ways, her thought smells familiar to me, maybe I buy her idea that's why. But certainly not because she is sweet, I swear, unless she is a Man Utd fan. =)
I thought i was quite tough when relocating. I throw things away ruthlessly, that's why I have little stuff to move around even this is the 5th year i am in Singapore. Over the past 5 years I didn't seem to accumulate things. Because I clear up my things, i mean, CLEAR UP.
But when comes to memories, I am the one that can never forget minute details when it registered in my mind. Read across the old entries you'll realized I'm an animal that feed on memory in order to live. But it was a brutal version of Jamie Yeo's quote.
I am glad I have enough memories to move on. The Block 299 old house is a place where I spent my time worth remembering. Not sure if i will sentimental enough to keep that place in mind for years to come, but the house I am staying now will probably be another part of my story.
One things i learn from past experience was, memories are meant to be the strength and reason to move on, instead of a mental barrier to overcome before we open our heart to new memory.
We don't need to forget, "life is about remembering", remember?
Thursday, June 7, 2007
I am tired, exhausted and burnt.
Blank mind. Not happy.
Not sad either. just, "--less", means nothing or empty.
No time to enjoy the new place. no mood. no energy too. means nothing or empty.
Nil and without anything.
I moved into new house; I was stuck in the midst of unfinished tasks; I was threaten by foreign workers; I was give in to argue something I was right; I was tied up by all the chores; I was accumulating dissatisfaction in lab.
I feel empty. I feel nothing. Don't even remember I have gone through everything that happened.
Literally, I have no mental preparation and mood for anything and everything. An auto-mode from 0830 to 0030.
Give me a break.
Blank mind. Not happy.
Not sad either. just, "--less", means nothing or empty.
No time to enjoy the new place. no mood. no energy too. means nothing or empty.
Nil and without anything.
I moved into new house; I was stuck in the midst of unfinished tasks; I was threaten by foreign workers; I was give in to argue something I was right; I was tied up by all the chores; I was accumulating dissatisfaction in lab.
I feel empty. I feel nothing. Don't even remember I have gone through everything that happened.
Literally, I have no mental preparation and mood for anything and everything. An auto-mode from 0830 to 0030.
Give me a break.
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